counterhip to hip cultute counter
blast you in the cerebrum nerve
net uncool tattoo slick wrinkled
old crusted you too good you
I'm here in Connecticut..............I already miss NYC!!!! frown I feel like I'm gonna be sick!!!! confused Well, I'll be around here all weekend trying to get this place in some sorta order before I start the job on Wednesday!!!!
If you're gonna be around this weekend & you wanna chat......let me know!!!!
Take Care~ wink
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!! smile
Just name the time you wanna chat && I'll be there.......I know how to get there on time! I'll read your rantings as soon as 3rd Watch is over. I donn't need any help moving....I'm already in....I just need to unpack clothes & books & shit like that. (I'm in NO rush).........gotta go!!!!!!!! wink
from left to right
Sorry, couldn't figure out the name.......but, I'm currently too pissed to think @ the moment. So, I'll try again later!!!!!! ARRR!!!
You could've written what you wrote above on my profile page............I'm here @ work all day......I could've answered you sooner.
By the way, there's absolutely nothing wrong w/ the way I look...........I'm not hiding anything, I just don't want them up there anymore! Ask any of my friends listed what I look like....they all know except for maybe meex. That's it!
Well, I think i'm leaving shortly..........& then I have to drive to Ct. so I'll talk to you much later if not tomorrow.
Take Care~ wink
oh never fear... one day i'll come here at least three or four times in a day replying to each and everyone of my old posts. i know it's quite frustrating when you're waiting for a reply and i'm sorry but i used to have so much more time on here than i thought.

i'm sorry to read that you're going through some really hard times and that you're finding your solace through pills. i hope that you can find some sort of focus and center in your life and that you'll be on you're right path as soon as possible.

edit: oh yeah!! biggrin

[Edited on Feb 04, 2004 6:16PM]
lie whenever ossible
have you ever seen iron man? you might be able to find it in some indie video rental place, it is an extremely violent japanese film....very bizzare blackeyed
he has been eating too many hotdogs lately
No, I never read it!
I wasn't judging you. No, that picture isn't me.....but, I think she looks like me..........I just have straight hair & a better nose & I'm maybe a shade lighter..............but, other than that..........I think we look alike it's actually rather creepy! Oh, she has nicer teeth though..........I never fell prey to the orthodonist.
Well, good luck on the interview tomorrow, think positive & you'll get it if you really want it! I strongly suggest if you're a teacher or looking to be one you take your picture down because it's a very small world & you'd be amazed at how small it really is!!!!!! wink
You don't have to answer this if you don't want......might I ask you what sort of drugs you were absusing sense you mentioned my favorite Klonopin? The generic work just fine for me, I might say. But, I can't take Ambien any longer because it NO longer works for me. I have a serious on & off sleeping problem...........for years now. That is why I am up at this God awful hour despite the fact that I must get up @ 6am for work !!!!!! mad And then drive to Ct. to move some of my shit in before the movers come on Thursday. DON'T ASK!!!!!!!!!! whatever Oh, ok now I'm rambling.............anyway, I suppose I better go.
Take Care & again GOOD LUCK.............oh & my name is the same first name of Brad Pitt's wife, & Ben Affleck's ex~fiance.............got it.........
Night~ wink
he has become addicted to watching dirty dancing on vhs
I agree w/ Ms. Kitten above.......I don't know you but you shouldn't let negativity consume you. You should always think positive no matter how bad it is.........seriously!!!!! Not that I'm not realistic, but you can't go through life being down like that because it will get the best of you!
So, why might you be glad that I'm here til 2/28? confused Cause after that I'm outta here!!!!!! What is it that you wish to inquire about moi? And to answer your question yes the SG's will contact you about the show just for you to show up & tip them. What do you think? Geeeezzzz!!!! wink After their gone I bet you'll NEVER hear from them again, unless they use to contact you prior to that!!!!! No, I will not be @ the burlesque show......I wouldn't be caught dead there!!!!!
You're right.

Driving home through the rain I am thinking and feeling good thoughts. I had a late lunch and read the paper and began to think out goals and options and realized I had many. When I am feeling down there are hundreds of things I can think about that can make me feel better about myself. What is the true psychology behind the emotions that unemployment brings on? Jobs? I am getting nuts over jobs? F that.

Began thinking also that this here journal is begining to look like the manifesto of misery. And thank you ativan101 I have always been naive and gullable since birth - of course it is about a "burlesque" show coming to nyc that a few decided to pop in and say hello. And also talk sex in the comment. How silly of me. I thought that I was actually attracting the models with my looks and depressing journals...Awwww what am I gonna do now! In fact, I am not getting anti-SG, it is a very cool site, however, I do not like the fact that everything you write becomes "their" property. Say you write something of worth? That is why I leave this for my worst writing and feelings...On my own I actually write like William Butler Yeats and have the mind set of the Dali Lama. Suicidegirls gets the worst I have to offer. That's right.

So what does happen to all your info and journals when you unsubscribe (which I intend on doing when my membership is up?)? Does it get stored? Deleted? What?

No burlesque! That's it! I won't be conned!

Now I am getting ready to help my father with a leak in the ceiling and I am movin' in!

I am so there...I will be doing a lot of imagining to get me throught this period.

Interview tomorrow for the part-time teaching gig. I will make it this time.
art is a 3 letter word that gets used very little outside of its own circle
Which NY show are you going to? The one on Thurs. or Fri.?
when will American Bandstand return to ABC?
WOW, I'm wondering if having a bite to eat here in the city is considered a date in your eyes? I say this because I'm not up for the anal sex that will follow!!!! wink
I actually had a bunch of photos up of me, but I took them all down last weekend. To think you missed all that!!!! wink
Not really into Super Bowl Sunday - Rah Rah Rah RAh WOOOOOOOO! Who cares? Ball games, potato chips, chicken wings, cold beer, eating too much driving home wasted...Ahhh those were the days of wine and roses for me. Used to be a football player myself...love the game but much of the intensity is gone. I loved the idea of legalized violence against another person in an open field. I was never so sane as I was when I was playing ball. Now to deal with anger, frustration, fear, etc I just have a creative outlets. And when needed a therapist but I good therapist is so so hard to find and you need to pay (and most mental health insurance coverages suck and only pay 3/4 of the bill if you are lucky and you have to mail in your claim, and that 2 week wait for a poor ass like me used to be an eternity) most like 200 - 300 bucks or more for the "initial" "45 minute consultation" and then 150 bucks after that and then after the 3rd session you realize that the doctor totally sucks and isn't for you and now you are out close to 1000 bucks and the insurance pays half and you are out 500 bucks for good. No womder why we are all nuts! Shrinks are thieves, most therapist are, hence "the rapist."

Fuckin' a bummin around all day. Was supposed to see Perfect Score with Scarlett Johansen with a girlfriend of mine who wants to fuck her. Probably not Scarlett's best work, but I was willing to go for some mindless fun. After watching Cuba Gooding Jr in the so so embarassing "Radio" movie on DVD last night I would say any film in the theater now has got to be 10 X better. Was that movied fucking awful. No reason to make it - the black retarded dude wasn't lovable, didn't do anything special to warrant a film. They might as well make a movied about my retarded cousin Davey. Ridiculous.

Already watching movies. Put on Charlton Heston, the world's biggest ham and overrated actor, in the terrible adaptation of New Jersey's own, Richard Matheson's "I AM LEGEND." In the 1976 film took the liberty of changing the original story about the last man on earth inhabited by a world of vampires, to the last man on earth inhabited by a world of albino cult like creeps. Horrible. The Omega man changed the whole novel, but most importantly the creatures in the film aren't "Vampires" as they should have been! Shameful. Great book. And it needs to be done right. Did I write this before? Next up today will be "Ms. 45," the female "Death Wish" directed by Abel "Bad Lieutenant" Ferrera.

Interview tomorrow. I don't want the job really. Might have to take it, give in. Throw in the towel.
too many people are trying to be different here...it is the squares who thrive now, the normals, the "preps" - counter culture is dead, has been since 1990. A fact. Remove your tattoos, they bore the rest of us.
I love Chris...My fave song is Foolish Game! I've always had the urge to make love woth that song playing in the background...maybe one of these days.
There is a need for a great satire to be written that will blow the fucking lid off the world. I am writing that now.
First impression of you is always going to be I don't like you.