Moonrabbit, dirpty dirpty dirpity dirp! Dirpity-dee! Dirpty-dumb!

That pretty well describes my life and mind-set at as of late.
I wonder if anybody sells liquor-filled chocolates that have really high alcohol content.
I think these brandy beans said they were 4.4%, but I wanna feel it when I eat these things.

So we got another fishy. Her name is Polina. She's a lion-head something or...
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Cool fish.
I miss having a goldfish tank. They're beautiful fish, but they produce so much ammonia waste.
Well, it seems we'll never know the secret of Inter-fish tank wormhole travel now (See previous post). As the second of our beloved mystery fish has passed. I found him floating Wednesday morning, I think? This week is a jumble. The other fish all seem ok.
Aww well.
Ashes to ashes, fish to dead fish.

We cleaned the tank out on Friday, then went to...
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You have no taste. wink
Sooo.... A day or two after thanks giving I noticed there were two new fish in our fish tank. I assumed one of the room mates bought them.
A week goes by before we discover that nobody living in the house bought them. Everybody assumed it was the other room mate than the one they asked.
We still don't know where they came from. Nobody...
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I knew fish had Stargate tech!
I was thinking that it was a dense star in the core of the fish that allowed for space folding... glad to know that I wasn't far off. smile
Everything's coming up Moonrabbit!

Two days in a row my boss calls me into his office.... AAAH!
Day one: Reviews are usually after six months, but things are going to be getting busy for the next couple months so I get mine early. Four months I've been working there, he gives me a $1/hr raise. He says he prefers to give raises to the people...
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Sweet! Congrats with the work stuffs! That sort of thing always makes me happy. I too also find that work never rocks as much as the friends you make at work. I've worked some of my jobs solely because of who I was working with. Man...at my last job, my boss was a huge prick. But the people I worked with were great. It made the job workable. Battle for Terra...I've heard the name, but don't recall anything else. I might have to look it up. Hope you have a great long weekend!
nice, it's always so refreshing to hear good news! keep it up!
Weeee! Very happy! I just saved about $400 on my plane ticket home for Christmas.... Oh, did I mention? I got time off to go home for Christmas!

The last couple days have been a bit of a downer.
I tried to apply for a new credit card the other day, and was rejected, not sure why. I can call the place about my credit...
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Dear, Hot People.

I request your cooperation in a coup. A coup against the established media powers.
In the last few days, things have been brought to my attention. Disturbing things.
I'll relate them to you as best I can so that they come to you in the same way they came to me. But I warn you, I've been drinking.... In fact, I think...
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So, picking up right after the last post. The Friday after Beats'n'Babes, I offered to help a friend of mine on the last day of filming for his entirely fan made pokemon movie trailer.
He needed my guns again and he needed cops and thugs.
I figured I'd be reprising my role as the Alley way thug, so I brought my flashy black suit....
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That's really cool about the bat...wow, what an unusual experience!
hey man I'll just message you here then! well I'm glad you had fun at the Cobalt!! great show eh! awesome bands!

Mexico Cabron is playing the Cobalt again this Thursday and there is a party on Wednesday at the Princeton Pub

Ok. Time for a good ol' fashion blog typin'.
You know, the kind that some bozo who has nothing better to do but write about things he is completely uninvolved in would write. My take on worldly events and what not.

But first. The Beats'n'Babes review!
A bunch of us from the SGBC group planned to meet at the Moose before hand. Me being the...
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That is the best blog ever~ So informative!
Thanks so much for the blow by blow on our Beats N Babes night smile Your feedback, support and enthusiasm is overwhelmingly appreciated! I'm super excited to hear how your night went from start to finish. I really can't wait to plan some more get togethers. It feels good to know others are into it.
Ooh~ and I'm working on my "creativity" staring tomorrow wink
Last exam is in one hour!!
Ha. Yes last sunday was a good night. Monday morning wasn't the funnest thing I've done in a while though. mmm beer. What we need is a party where everyone brings random beer that they would not normally bring. Many years ago, one of my good friends had a table hockey tournament where you had to bring strange beer. Then everyone got to try strange beer that they might not normally drink. And if you were wondering, my team the Serifs of Markopolis, fared well in the tournament. But due to a lack of scoring power, failed to get the gold. That goodness for solid defense....

The insects are bigger in Ontario because there are more pollutants and what not there. Things are more natural here. Sort of like: why are girls breasts bigger now than they were 20 years ago? The answer? All those hormones they pump into the cows and all of the other crap they add to it now a days.

Yes, the world is overpopulated. I'd love to space travel. Sadly our space traveling powers are sort of like Edmonton's (and Windsor's) transit system. Lame. Unfortunately humanity got it into their thick skulls that expansionism, among other things, would be a good idea. War would not be a good idea, it never is. However, I can see disaster in the form of natural or artificial causes. We've sucked this planet dry and arn't exactly treading lightly upon it. I'm just waiting for x bio-engineering company to accidentally release x. you know...just like how it happens in the movies. At which point, I would like to recommend that you find your favorite weapon of choice and ready yourself for the zombie apocalypse....

The Professional. That was a good movie. Or I remember it being good. I haven't seen it in at least ten years. Annnnd now I shower.
Work work work work work work work.

Ummmmm so female girl typed friend went to europe for a month. We're not really serious and she totally didn't want to be tied down before going away.
So now I've been able to focus more of my attention on the cute girl at work. I am going to ask her out at some point. I just don't...
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Good to meet you last night!

Sounds like the rest of the evening was pretty rad smile
You are an uber geek and it makes you the coolest...in my books anyways. My dad has a rediculous air soft gun collection. Did you know you can get air soft grenade launchers? They launch grenades which open up on contact and shoot the pellets in all directions. (Is pellet the correct name? probably not...)
Anyway, I don't think I introduced myself at beats and babes. Very rude ala, very rude. Hopefully we can shake hands next time. hmm?
When we last left our hero he was feeling despair over a lack of employment.
Defeated and desperate, he applied for Employment Insurance in a last ditch effort to remain in the western lands.
On his way to continue his search for work, he stopped into the drug store to purchase a stamp, that he may mail his records of employment to Services Canada.
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a few of us girls use this account - we do the tour all over canada
I really hope you'll join us at Beats N Babes!
Hit me up when you're coming out to the show smile
Can't wait to meet you!