Never cool when my schedule gets messed up and changed cause of people canceling last minute on there tattoos. Im crazy booked as it is, than this just puts me in a funk. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I'll be right over - I'm ready for a new one smile
sold smile
Went for a motorcycle ride today and took out my New Aprilia for a ride with my buddy. wow whats up with this winter, no snow yet. but hey I do love winter don't get me wrong. one of my fav times just out in the white fluffy stuff.
Guys on bikes = major hotness!
Has decided Im going to be tattooing my whole back up. I would love some Ideas for some themes or anything. Struggling artist that can't think.....
Oh I love back pieces. My fav tattoos are always pin ups and I'm a sucker for a guy with roses wink
Back to the 4 day MMA training after my turkey vaca coma I just had.
Kick ass!
Great job - nice stache! That's so awesome you are supporting your dad. My mom had breast and lung cancer 10 yrs ago. We fundraise every year for the cause.
How EXCITING.... Going to Disney for a family trip tomorrow. Watch out Goofy, Im a lil more crazier than you.
Disney rocks - have fun!! smile
Ah! I went to Disney twice as a kid. Still one of the best vacations I have ever been on. I had so much fun, if only I hadn't been afraid of most of the rides they had there lol.
I hate how I work my ass off, doing everything for everyone. Being a working man and no one notices. but when I mess up one lil thing, Its the end of the world and Im to blame. Of course I am to blame I made a mistake. My bad. But I fixed it and didn't point the fingers to anyone else, but myself. Just...
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such is life. no one remembers anyone for the good they do, unless they ask for some recognition!
I am sure people appreciate it, they just assume you know it (look at me playing devils advocate tongue )
Pulled out a beautiful rib piece on this girl last night. She took it like a champ. She is very happy with the family tree tattoo I inked for her. I love how I warn people tattoos are addicting, and they are like yeah yeah yeah. Only one, thats all I want. Than months later they come back to me asking to draw up another...
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Nice work! So was this the girl's 2nd piece?
yeah second. smile