Why do I procrastinate with the most important things. For example I could have five thinks to do in a day. I'll do four leaving out the most important. I don't know why I do it i just do. AHHHH! mad I hate been this way. I'm going to the gym. I gotta hit the heavy bag! ARRR!!!
philly! haha thats not exactly close =] tongue
Yey! My B-Day's coming up soon I'm super exited. I planned a dinner with all my best friends. It's gonna be weird since they're all different... It should be interesting! I'm hoping they can all decide on what we're doing after the dinner since they've all told me there "plans for me after dinner". And of course I've agreed with each and every one of...
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In the end the only think that will mater will whether or not you lived your life happily and to the fullest...
hello hello there smile welcome to the site! hopefully i'll be seeing a lot of you around? thank you for the testimonial wink

xo kirby
aww thank you for the lovely comment <3