So I've long considered myself bisexual even though I had never been with another woman before. Yeah... I lost that V-card this weekend to this hot little friend of mine in Cheyenne. Yummy... that's all I have to say. love I'm looking forward to my birthday weekend when we are planning on meeting up again.

In other news, my boyfriend bought me a motorcylce for my...
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Long Island Ice Teas are evil...

Way too much fun at the Wonder Bar and Big Mike's last night. Maybe St. Patrick's day isn't such a bad holiday after all... I don't even like the bar scence and I still had fun.

I am so hungover. It's a good thing I only do this to myself a couple times a year.
you need a massage. I will be right over.....
Weekends are way too short. Sunday night always comes too fast. Plus it's snowing like crazy which makes getting up for work on Monday all that more tough. Oh well, such is life.

I'm planning on getting a new tattoo for my birthday in a few weeks. Here are my current ideas:
1.) a demon on my shoulder;
2.) an Aries symbol with fire on...
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thats a toughie ill have to the designs tongue
Car repair sucks... I don't think that I am going to get anywhere trying to fix my car by myself. Ugh. I am so afraid that I might make things worse by breaking random stuff. Plus the manual I have isn't very detailed so I have no clue if I am doing this right. I have to get this done though... I think that I...
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I miss my Suicide Girls. I think I should make it a resolution to never get so busy/distracted that I let myself go this long without checking in regularly...

So yeah, life has been a bit hectic with a new job, new friends, stupid car issues, a new motorcycle... I think I could go on and on.

Well, I landed a new job with Casper...
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Congratulations, and good luck with the new job. wink
Ugh... Valentine's Day. I hate this holiday. Why do I need a Hallmark card and a dozen roses to know that I am loved? I think years and years of being single has made me a little bit jaded.
Happy Belated Singles Awareness Day, Aka SAD. anyhow, Hope we can talk soon, Lookin like Japan might be the next move for me... I got that yellow fevah. Take care 'n good luck on the job hunt smile

Glad I could help to break down your knitting hang-ups. wink

Sorry it is so terribly belated.... but thank you for the comment on my set! smile I'm also selling the scarf that I was knitting in the set. wink
I suckered my boyfriend into taking me to the mall today because I wanted to buy Valentine's Day cards for him at Hallmark but since I don't get paid until Wednesday I needed him to foot the bill. He actually went along with the whole thing. He's so great that he even pays for the presents I give him. LOL - biggrin

The real reason I...
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Sounds like everyone will be happy in the end smile Maybe you can "wander" into the vault at work. Think anyone would notice? smile
I totally kicked ass at my job interview yesterday. It seemed like it'd be a nice bank to work at but I'm not sure if they are willing to pay me what I think I'm worth (perhaps I think too highly of myself... smile ).

I have another interview scheduled on Tuesday at the local college which is the job that I really, really, really ridiculously...
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Sorry it has taken me so long, but thank you very much for your compliment on my newest set! kiss kiss kiss kiss
I'm sure you are not thinking to highly of yourself. Better to have high expectations for yourself than expect less than what you deserve! Sounds like everything is going well! I wish you nothing but luck with all of your aspirations!
Woo hoo. I got my taxes filed and I'm getting a decent return, considering I only worked for five months in 2005 and my parents are still claiming me as a dependent. I'll probably blow my tax return on frivolous things like sex toys and DVDs instead of using it to pay off my credit card. Oh well, I think it'll be nice to spend...
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get a pocket rocket. Best toy ever invented smile
I bank at WYHY CU, I hope they are not the folks who are treating you badly.

As always good luck with he job interview!

LUCK! wink
Here are my random thoughts for the day...

I think I'm hooked on Sudoku. I'm obsessed. Maybe I should find a Sudoku Anonymous support group. Too bad I still suck at them though.

I was in an unusually cheerful mood today, despite that fact that we were crazy busy all day. Usually that stress makes me grouchy.

Glad its the weekend, even though I have...
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Ahh yes I know Sudoku. I just didn't know that was the name of it. It is fun and addicting.
I have issues beacuse I am really shy when I am around people that I just met and I hate my boobs. So, having a random women tell me my boobs are great, in public, is a double fantasy smile
You should definitely see brokeback mountain! And yup, getting beaten up is an everday occurance. I work with kids with severe autism who are also non-verbal. Aggression is really really common. I've gotten quick reflexes, tough skin and a bucketload of patience.