I am going to speak to you now of Northern Annies cigar made out of Buzz Trout and wind.

It is when she turns her back that it provides the reversal that gives you the memories of many autumns, though now here, years before Captain Red would take George, long before the congregation of prisoners that gathered on the shore line for Lily, it is...
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Eventually it happens. You love something so much, that the desired object eventually morphemes under alchemical stress. There is mutation that torque's the muscle into tree root. Usually Elm or Sequoia depending on your geographical heart quadrant. And so it is with my Lily who has twisted into a Sequoia of immense proportions within the Upside-down Love Forest of dry rain, pollen, spore and hope....
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Transformed into a sea dragon last night and broke the surface and flew into the air about a hundred feet into the air. My neck was ten feet long, covered in scales. I had a mouth full of daggers. Noxious foam splayed across my cheeks. The sky was smoking and sulfurous. Gun shots were heard and I gave two massive pumps with my wings and...
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Thanks on the drawing. Quato has an inspriational attitude/posing/demeanor.

I was flying about last night too, exept I wasn't a dragon so I'm not sure why I could fly...and my best freind was throwing coins at me with ill intent. They shot at me too but mainly they just threw pound coins at me. And they had been interviewing a severed head. None of these things do they do in real life.

I like pirates.
Last night while sleeping someone came into my room and replaced my vertebrae with broken glass. They then stuck an awl through the soft palette of my throat and left me there to die in my dreams which never arrived. I think that maybe this is the dream. That the pain is illusory. I try to figure but math has eluded me. What monster came...
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what's the pink phone?
oooohhhhh. i like that...now i have a new euphamism to add to my vocab list

Not a typical day day
at the Casa Rioja,
except that I showed up
half in the bag again.

I realize its not a good career
move; waiting tables drunk
but its better than
driving a school bus.
I think its an excellent career move. Alcohol makes you more friendly.

More friendly = more tips

It began with a string
that was attached to the heart
and the entire world
which swung from it.
A million pointing finger
spitting at the raped child.
And no matter how much your heart broke
it was still not enough
for this century of pain.
Thats incredibly sad. Did you write that?
Remembering those days with blood coming out of my nose. Trying to shit and vomit at the same time when the morning beer turned into the morning shot. The booze, the heroine up the nose and coke too. Where was that? Somewhere on the lower east side looking for some more in a January wind that felt like an ax in the back. I was...
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One of my rejected poems. Fuck them.


In search of truth?
An human activity, the search for truth is...
I went to my apothecary
and he gave me a good dose of it.
Two hours of pure hell.
There were things I was supposed to have remembered
that I couldnt. Events
that occurred
for the sole purpose
of literature. There was...
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Stolen from IMDB:
Love Me if You Dare.
As adults, best friends Julien and Sophie continue the odd game they started as children -- a fearless competition to outdo one another with daring and outrageous stunts. While they often act out to relieve one another's pain, their game might be a way to avoid the fact that they are truly meant for one another.
you have one of the coolest screen names ever! wanna be my SGfriend?
Again Ive come here
again and again Ive come here
and here
she is not
here again
she is not.

I am a booger ball.

I should be used to disappointment by now.

I have just eaten a almond butter and orange marmalade sandwich. There is almond butter on my fingers which is now upon my computer.

I wish people would stop asking me why...
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I am touched by the way that you write.
I really must agree with the above comment. That was written beautifully. I hope I see other pieces of work in the future!
As predicted our winter wonderland is now a post apocalyptic toilet of gray shit and slush. Millions of Madhattanites toiling away in their inappropriate footwear through slush hell. People wear the damnedest things. I saw someone navigating our clogged up toilet in black pumps with no socks. Clearly theres a deficiency in her synaptic charges. Surely a short circuit somewhere. Slave to fashion is a...
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Sacrificing some of my intelligence so my ass will have that perfect swish when i'm in 4in. heels? I think that's a fair trade to make. Or maybe just another sign that i've been zoidified.
oh mister poop, you think i am only the dreaded cute frown WHAA!!! I guess guys are different than other girls who just have an SG profile. My time is running out cause I sent in a set the one where i have green hair under pics.. It wasn't accepted and i have until october to come up with something else, but i can't find a photographer to save my ass. The application process is hard and it sucks and i don't wanna do it over... eeek I don't like airbrushed girls or girls with implants. i would rather see real eeek Oh well go figure