Well, new year's eve is here in the states, and i'd hate to think that i'll have another one like last year. Car crashes, the blood of a child, and all that. i think i'll stay in.

i promised pics, and they will be here tonight. Maybe really late tonight, but there will be a new folder, with new ones in it by the morning....
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cause i probably won't update between now and then, i want to wish everyone happy holidays:

merry christmas!
happy hannukkah!
joyous kwanza!

though i'm more inclined to buddhism, i still participate in christmas with my family and friends. so everyone out there, have a happy one. be safe, be merry, and for one day at least, let's all let go of the crap that usually...
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have you ever had one of those days where you wake up and everything suddenly seems different? it's like going to a funeral every day of your life, and suddenly you look up and the grey is gone from the sky, summer wind is blowing and suddenly you just have time to enjoy.

i woke up today and i saw everything from a new angle....
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i'll be adding pics like mad near the end of december, as well as start work on my new website, which is going to be a kind of place for the midwest US youth to go...

well, i added a few pics on here, hopefully they look alright, as i had to crop them pretty seriously.

my birthday was alright-i'll never complain about free steak, mind you, but it was yet another year of my mom (or mum, for all the sexy british redheads out there) taking over and making me go shopping and all that. i like free stuff, i'd...
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I'd never spit in a drink I made for you! shocked
i know, i know. I keep putting off getting pics, but let's just say i don't usually photograph well. most of the shots i have are when i was a bit bigger, and i'd like to look my best for all my fan(s) out there. HA!

give me a few days to put together a set, and maybe i'll become a suicideboy. one can hope.

Hmmm....Sounds good wink
What, WHAT? Vixen? Haaaa, you're so cute biggrin
wow, my first comment, and by one of the lovliest ladies i've ever had the pleasure to behold, to boot. since i've seen at least some interest, i guess i should get to updating, eh? smile
updating is always a good thing! biggrin
Happy Birthday! smile kiss
better pic to come, i promise!

this one is a few years old.
Thanks for commenting on my set! kiss

Edit: Tell me when you got a better pic, you're already cute on this one blush

[Edited on Nov 11, 2005 12:24AM]