i am sleepy sleepy indeedy. today i did the unprecedented thing and got up at 6.30am so a couple of friends and I could go and queue for theatre tickets in londres. nono, these weren't any *ordinary* theatre tickets, these were seriously money-can't-buy-but-sleep-deprivation-can gold plated ones to see His Dark Materials at the National Theatre. 6 hours of fantasy, blasphemy :o and puppetry made for...
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Thanks for you lovely post.

Fashion design is a tricky business and hard as nails. There are a lot of wann be designers out there who have done degrees and at least on the surface know about the trends and stuff. They don`t know very much when they leave but they think they do. Sourcing is the main problem, where do you get all the zips, cloth, buttons and so forth. Then who makes it? having a decent sample unit costs thousands.

My family has been in this business, and everywhere I`ve worked was to do with fashion. There is a lot of administration and always problems getting things done on time, mainly because we have so many suppliers to rely on and the goods are coming from all over the world.

Anyone can design, but can you design something viable? Can it be made easily?
Must sign off now as busy at work but feel free to ask more questions.

Your moon dream made me laugh.


yes that would be dominic that lives with henry love god i mis him wink

looking for new job at the moment. can't wait to move and find nice new job and home biggrin

hope your well and everything is going well for you. kiss
well today is most definitely a lucky day as i managed to puncture two of my mum's car tyres in one go. actually, puncture isn't *quite* the word...perhaps trash, obliterate, destroy, burn!!! are more appropriate adjectives shocked tongue flat as pancakes and with gaping holes. oops. luckily i was only a matter of about 100 yards away from home when it happened and was grateful as i...
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kiss happy new year, i hope 2005 is a good year for you biggrin
i'm alright miss. i want to do lots of things next year. and there is nothing wrong with singledom at all. you can do exactly what you like, when you like.
i'm happy though cos i have a digital camera to play with now. which means i can take lots of embarrasing pictures of myself and share them with the world!

It's been a while cats but i'm back!

I'm feeling really LOwww tho. Think it's because i'm tired and ill again and managed to fuck my ribs from tripping over my snowboard on the fair slopes of val d'isere. Also because it's true that i shall be a spinster forever. i just don;t understand why i must seem so repulsive to the opposite sex that...
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thats Kiyone! biggrin

just started reading northern lights myself, ash forced me to, he wanted me to read it since i know him. whatever still at the beginning, so no wolves in the north yet! wink
i stay in london over xmas and new years, no germany for me.
hope you have a good time over the holidays and things get less stressful for you. merry christmas and happy new year sweety! kiss

Kiyone is an anime character btw, a galaxy police officer of some sort. biggrin
I am very happy today.

Something has just clicked inside which takes me one rung further up the ladder to understanding...well, me and life and stuff really tongue

I have to make this quick as i have a horrid lecture to get to in about 10 minutes so speedy gonzales fingers at the ready...

last night i went to my law ball at the uni. it...
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i hope you have a happy xmas next week and that santas good to you wink

take care kiss biggrin
how's milky? it seems like i haven't commented on your journal for ages! eeek
acupuncture is so cool. my mum had it done for some time, it looked so funny, with the needles sticking out of her ears ,heheh. my friend used to practise shiatsu on me, which is similar, but without needles and they move your legs and arms a bit. its amazing, you feel reborn afterwards! love
what have you planned for xmas/nye?
hope everything's well,
possibly one of the most umpleasant things one can do in the morning is to gargle with salt water. yet if you have a malignant cold then it's likely to me much more umpleasant for all the nasty germy things living at the back of your throat. eugh, the fuckers. come out with your hands in the air.

well it's the last 2 weeks of...
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Come visit the astounding deaf cat. I'm sure October can sell you the idea! wink
hello sweetie...

i was watching south park last night on sky, and it dawned on me...... am i kenny or kyle?

i'm assuming i got the name cos of my hat.....

take care milk stuff kiss kiss
what a very strange weekend I've had. For starters, the clock across the road has just chimed about 25 times [it's one o'clock! surreal ] and last night I went to a club that was on a boat and boogied until the wee hours to the beauty that is groove is in the heart and the happy mondays. oh happy days!

on friday night i plucked...
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hello milky...

sorry to hear about the ulcers..... frown

i'm well and things my end are all good..(i think!)

i'm off to camden this afternoon to pay a visit to know how (so expect another whinge about how much money i've spent on vinyl very soon)

i can't wait for saturday night.... biggrin

you are off the hook for december though as i realised that the 4th saturday is christmas day.......doh!

but as for january young milks i'm not so sure! i realised yesterday that the 4th saturday is the 29th........my birthday biggrin

have you made the fantastic fish pie yet? that will taste better than sweet and sour chicken the next day i promise. but yay for cold left overs. i think it always seems to taste better than the night before.... smile

take care milky

kiss kiss
hello my darling. you had a dream about me eh? hehe biggrin
i don't believe your not in love with henry, i mean who wouldn't be! im coming to stay next week so i can keep an eye on you wink

love caz
hello cats,

well today i am a creature of the night as i perch on the edge of my desk and tap away on the keys of lluuurrrvvve.

just a big thank you to all those who took the trouble to leave me advice/recipies for my book and generally love and funkdom. all is very much appreciated kiss blush biggrin

well not an awful lot is going down...
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Dreaming about your dildo is a bit of a worry! eeek Even if it is a super deluxe really nice one, still kind of a worry! biggrin

Nice one about the small articles and stuff.

btw you really didn't want one of my recipies, believe me. wink

you never answered my question.
I'm finding it really difficult to concentrate this week. i think i have a few ideas why this might be the case.

1) I'm going snowboarding this xmas- yay!
2) I've just found out that I don't have to work so hard to get the grade I'm aiming for because of the grading system at uni.
3) I got the best of album by morcheeba...
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'ello milky!! love love love

i once had a friend in Birmingham who was so besotted with a bloke, that every time she saw him she broke out in some crazy rash surreal

that was in 2001--- the last time I saw Ria was in September 2003. and she was going out with him, and had been for two years. so you could be onto something wink best thing to do is just talk to him, really! (and looking over the comments, thagoras has the right idea!)

i love moussaka! yum! i have a ridiculous number of recipe books for a bloke with very few tangible culinary skills--- i love the idea of being a great cook, and i enjoy it when i do, but i've been neglecting ambition for convenience living in university halls. whatever

something i loved when i was in europe was Turkish Pizza. I presume you can get them anywhere in London, and I saw some places in Edinburgh selling it too. (You can't get it here, so I haven't had it yeaaaaaaars. So annoying). Well, this is what I would make if I could be bothered, so here's an easy recipe for that (and I hope it's as nice as I remember it being!).

Lahmacun (Turkish pizza)


A pack of pitas
1 lb ground beef
1 lb white onion
1 or 2 tomatoes
Salt, black pepper to taste
If you can't find tomatoes, you can replace it with 2 table spoons of tomatoe puree.

1. Peel, wash, place onions with tomatoes in a food processor and ground.
2. Add salt, black pepper and meat, ground 30 seconds more.
3. With the help of a spoon spread this mixture over pitas.
4. Put them in oven and bake at 400F about 20-30 minutes.

Check to see whether meat is cooked. Serve hot.

Seems like there are a lot of different recipes for this, so whether that'll turn out like the kind I like remains to be seen. Maybe I'll try making that tomorrow. Nice!

kiss kiss

hi biggrin
this week i have rediscovered that beauty can be found right under our noses. just like the statistic that there is always a rat within 10 feet of us at any time in this country, the same can be said for something remarkable.

it first started with talking to some truly interesting people at a party a few days ago. we chatted politics, travel, and...
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Hahaha imagine if I really did go on Trisha with that, then I really would never get laid again wink kiss
Hehe yeah you are right, they are a bit Chavvy, thanks for reminding me wink
what can I say? the world is fucked.
here's a bushism for ya milks....

"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot
easier ....just so long as I'm the dictator."
Bush on dictatorship; [Fr. CNN, 12/18/01

sleep well

kiss kiss
What`s the worst that can happen? We all die! We are all gonna die someday anyway.

I think we should all get a little crazy, party too much and make ourselves ill biggrin