Ok so I was looking through some stuff on here and found the SG member's busines pages. Naturaly I clicked on restaurants. Hey we need some restaurants here that aren't vegie vegan. Damn, if I had my own place.... It sure as hell would be listed here. But not on the vegie vegan camp. There was a period of about 4 years where I could...
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I doubt my mum would want to keep her appendix tongue

But when I get my plate out, I'll ask my surgeon if I can keep the plate and 7 screws.
I have a stomach disorder, but lean meats seem to be ok most days. My biggest problem is whole wheat, brown rice, dairy, high fat & spicy foods. Alot of the days there is really no reason I get sick though. confused

I went through a period where I didn't eat chicken. I saw this program on tv about chickens & one of the stories was about this mother chicken that had put her life on the line to save one of her babies & I just could NOT eat chicken after I saw that for about 6 months. bok
Hey there, to the two of you who read my stuff on a regular basis! smile
I have no idea how to go about submitting a story to the SG sight newswire so I was hoping maybe one of you might want to try yourself.Union of concerned scientists
Well anyway check it out.
they take time and cause us extra pain smile
Well, I don't know how to submit articles either. I have never done that before... in fact, I didn't even know any random joe could. whatever

As for all this nuclear bullshit, it is like they have nothing better to do in washington then come up with jackass schemes that just make everything complicated & everyone upset. How about they stop whatever bullshit they are doing & fix the mother fucking medicare problem?

Ok, I am done. biggrin

[Edited on Feb 02, 2006 6:25PM]
Not much to say today. One of the guys quit on us, now I have lots of hours coming up.
I'm just going to post some pictures instead...
I'd love to travel the world. But a stay in a hotel at least once is a must tongue
Well, work was rather odd this weekend. We had a fund raiser for an organization that I can't stand. What makes is worse is that most people would consider me a heartless bastard and a biggot for saying so.
The Center for the Disabled...
Now before you all read this and get angry at me for hating them, you must hear my reasons.
My girlfriend...
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i believe the correct pronounciation is 'woot' tongue

and i agree with your rant. the disability advocacy and workers field is rife with people 'trying to help' who fuck things up.
I'll try to keep the nervous vomit to a bit of spew in the mouth for SG tongue

The singing indian 7-11 man was a little weird at first, but I kinda like it now lol.
Well, how do I start this....Tonight while I was working, I brought up an odd thing that has been on my mind for a while. Vegans should be able to eat people. The friends who I have had over he years who are/were vegans have always said it was a matter of ethics. Animals have no say in being used for meat/milk/eggs, therefore they are...
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ah, I'm figuring you're mixing up spirituality with religion? I am by far, not religous. Having faith in something bigger than yourself is much different than feeling obligated to follow a bunch of rules that some men made and altered throughout time. biggrin
I eat minimal meat...interesting thought provoking stuff, my freind. yes i like to hear and reead poetry ut loud because you can hear the flow of the words the way they should be spoken! Nice to meet you smile
An other night has come and gone, I am sitting here half dead from tiredness and booze. Not much, just a couple beers and a shot of whiskey, two hours ago. This msg stuff is a bit of a trip. Now we can private each other, sounds like good old mIRC stuff to me.
I've been kind of watching old episoded of Kung Fu. Funny...
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Just something I say a bit.

Holy shit balls, or holy shiny shit balls.. either or tongue
I type well? That makes me a good catch? whatever biggrin

If you do ever do the myspace thang, I could be your first friend... again...

Just sitting around contemplating what to do. Tomorrow is a day off, my only one this week. I have so much crap I have to get done. Between running down town to volenteer my services as a cook, laundry, running to the library for movies, cleaning the apartment, shopping for food, and cooking dinner, I'm not going to have any time to relax!
Ran into...
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Tell him to jump in the river? Ha ha ha!!!

Yeah, showing that rage would be bad, but feeling that rage is good times. wink

I have had people like that. Neighbors, co-workers, boyfriends. I threw a tv at someone one time... well, shoved it in their general direction in anger really. It went straight to the floor though ha ha ha. biggrin It still worked perfectly afterward. Yay.

[Edited on Jan 21, 2006 2:03PM]
I truly hope it gets accepted!

I doubt I'll drink @ dad's birthday today. Don't want to show up at my second week of work seedy and hungover!

Well here it is the real MightyTick. Run in fear now! Just got my camera up and running I'm going to upload a few pictures from work ass soon as I can.
The flash makes me look like I have crap all in my hair. Pretty nasty, huh?
I had a dream last night that you had comment after comment about how hot you are... all from men. confused
No no, it was definately you... do you do the myspace thang?
Good Lord! Nothing realy new to report, It's late night Monday/Tuesday. I'm on a few beverages right now. I'm watching the constant train wreck of shows. Blind Date/Elimidate. Are the majority of people out there this bad or do they look for the stupid and vain?
I think this may be a rhetorical question..... smile
I always watch Elimidate & at the very start I pick out the bitchiest girl with the ugliest personality & the lowest IQ... and sure enough... that is the one the guy picks 95% of the time.

What does that say about men?
True true.

I do notice that the women on the show pick men that are pretty good. Only sometimes do they seem to pick the jerks.
The camera is arriving on Tuesday! Unfortunately I have to work six days this week so I won't have much time to use it.
It's Saturday morning, well almost afternoon. I have the day off.
I like Saturdays off. Later on today I'm going to make a batch of hummus or salsa or wasabi sour cream, to take with me to my local pub. Every...
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I would love that pub! & earlier this year I tried hummus for the first time... yummy!