How do I save favorite pics?? Help!!
Hi! I'm assuming you mean fave pics of SGs. You can only save pics from sets that have been FP, i.e., that are not in member review anymore. So, if you're looking at such a set, there may be a different or better way, but I choose the display option "HTML Gallery", then there's a little button in the upper left corner where it says "add to faves" on every pic. Click on that and presto! it's in your faves. Hope my attempt wasn't too confusing :-)
So my neighbor got his motorcycle stolen from his driveway in broad daylight this afternoon - ignition and forks locked. Totally insane for my neighborhood. Try and take my bike mother fucker - I got something for you...
Sunday fun-day!! NY Strips on the grill, beers, Jager and temps that would be expected in late September. Mid-90's to high 50's within days. Gotta love (or hate) Michigan weather!! Hope everyone had a good weekend! Bottoms up!!! 'MERICA!!!!
Grilling and Alcohol = Great times. smile
My royal catch of the night - I named it Prince Pier lol
Riding out tomorrow morning for Muskegon (Lake Michigan) Bike Time!!! Looking forward to riding with my brothers, checking out the bikes and girls, cold drinks and Chaps 'n Thongs at Pop a Top Bar!!! Getting it started at Rocky's Road House in Lansing - Let's fuck shit up!!!
Was just informed the house I recently purchased has choice of school district, given the location. No money brought to closing - other requested stipulations are including - the basement pool table, a bad ass lawn tractor, all new carpet, updates to the bar in the basement and removal of all new wall paper. Kitchen is going to need some updating, but it's all good!!
So, I have a few questions for both Hopefuls and SG's. I'm trying to understand the process of being a Hopeful to becoming an SG.

- Is there an approval process to become a Hopeful, or is it only a 'check box' in the profile that classifies one as such?

- Is there an approval process when submitting a set for member review as a...
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I just bought my first house!!! I'm as excited as a witches titties in a brass bra on a cold day!! I've been saving for a house for 9 years and finally found one!! love
Congrats! That's a big deal!
It's actually close - in Dewitt.