aw thats epic! biggrin
It has been awhile since my last blog, been a busy month and I'm finally broke lol. My computer is finally built and operational. Been trying to keep myself as busy as possible, doing some small exercises like push ups and sit ups. And bought a weight that I have been lifting for my arms. No real schedule for though and I don't do it...
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Hiking usually does it for me, if finances don't allow a proper trip. That or wasting hours on the black hole called YouTube. wink

Hope your shoulder is okay.
Just got home from getting my eye exam done, Will have a new pair of glasses in 5-7 business days >.< So hopefully by the end of next week.

Also been sick since last week and I can't seem to shake it. Pretty sure it is just a nasty cold but it's been dragging me down. Hopefully the cold and sinus meds I picked up...
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Guess I'll pop up an update, Spent lots of money this week and I still have yet to get my wisdom teeth out and my glasses. Spent way too much already... I can't believe I have spent that much. My gaming computer and entertainment set up looks pretty good though.

Anyway still enjoying the site, hoping to do up a one year subscription to the...
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thank you for your comment on my new set ! I like your tattoo Nightmare before christmas !! It's so cuute :3
My Trip to Halifax was pretty good. I didn't get as much money as I was hoping after everything was said and done with the house. But hey can't complain, I have more money now than I have had ever at the same time.

I went out to see the Hobbit in 3d, it was pretty good and I enjoyed the 3d aspect of the...
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Heading to Halifax! Heading there to finalize the sale of my house.

Long story short, I inherited from my great uncle before he passed on. It's got MANY things wrong with it and I'm only getting about a quarter of what it's worth unfortunately.

Well I need to get my wisdom teeth out, which is gonna set me back 1200.
Need to get a new...
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So I'm onto my second blog and I guess I'll try to be a little more descriptive on who I am and why I'm here.

My real name is Ryan, though most of my friends know me as Merc. Short for Mercuryknight, which is a nickname that goes back 15 years to the beginning of Junior High. When I was 13 I did projects on...
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Thank you for your support on my set. Merci merci !
Well figured I would give this a go, I'm not usually good at blogging or the like. Just I'll make this simple. I met some suicide girls through facebook and most of them told me I should join and give this place a go. So I'm here now thanks to them and I hope to make friends with many more while I'm here.
Well a...
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I'm Ryan, or you can call me Merc. It's a nickname I will get into detail if you ever wanna ask me. I'm 28 and hoping to make lots of friends here if possible.