I've come to accept that I'm a generally pissed off person all of the time. It's not an anger problem or anything like that -- I don't lash out violently or do anything stupid like that -- I'm just usually in a shitty, downtrodden mood that makes me a miserable person to be around most of the time. Fortunately, there are some people in my...
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I'm watching a Vincent Price marathon on TCM. I'm a big fan of Vincent Price, and I am trying to see as many of his films as possible. Currently, I'm watching The Mad Magician, which is a thoroughly entertaining movie. If you've never had a chance to read the biography his daughter wrote, I can't recommend it enough.

And what else?

Work. Work sucks....
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Oddly everything you write sounds down right pissed. But you not having many pictures posted somehow intriques me. Weird. 

I can't believe how shitty the new sit looks. It seems like a misguided attempt to rip-off Tumblr (which, considering how poorly run the SuicideGirls Tumblr is says a lot)... I'm sure I'll adapt to it, but, it's just so downright ugly, and there is no sense to it, unlike the previous sit. FUCK!!!

In unrelated news, being October, I'm continuing with my usual tradition...
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I had an odd dream last night that has been lingering with me all day. Most of it has faded, but the feeling it left me with remains...

Oddly, the dream involved werewolves, but they were ancillary to the entire experience. In the dream, I was turned into a werewolf (I can't remember the specifics behind it), and ran with the pack when I wasn't...
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It's a random thought, but I fucking hate the way people wear baseball caps these days.

First of all, curve the fucking bill. Don't keep in flat. It doesn't make you cool, street, or "gangsta" to wear a baseball cap with a flat bill -- it makes you look like an idiot that doesn't know how to dress themselves before leaving the house (of course,...
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Heading off to Las Vegas in two weeks to visit some extended family for a week. Oddly, I live six hours from Vegas and have never been. There was a time I vowed never to go because I'm a whiny little bitch like that.

I know, who knew?

In the meantime, this is my last week being 26. Thinking of getting my first tattoo for...
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Wow, I post only on the weekends it seems.

So, I have a pet ferret. While I was working in my home office, yesterday, I took her out of her cage to play with her for a bit so she wouldn't feel neglected. Putting her back in the cage, I did something wrong, because the muscles in my lower back decided it would be a...
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Holy shit. The years tick by.

I'm twenty-six, and hit me that I'll be twenty-seven soon. On Mother's Day, actually. Yes, I celebrate my 27th birthday on Mother's Day.

I'm looking forward to my 27th year. It's a big year for some people -- Jim Morrison, Robert Johnson, Kurt Cobain. I just wish that I had actually accomplished something by this stage in my life,...
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I work a desk job Monday through Friday that allows me to be done working no later than four in the afternoon most days. Sometimes, though, I get a phone call from my boss at my old retail job -- selling comic books, believe it or not -- asking if I can help cover a shift someone is going to be missing. Being the idiot...
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Hi there! Thanks for the friend request!

And I totally feel you on point #5 biggrin
That's my favorite thing about my current job: I rarely deal with customers. Best... thing... ever!