Thus shall ye think of all this fleeting world:
A star at dawn, a bubble in a stream;
A flash of lightning in a summer cloud,
A flickering lamp, a phantom, and a dream.

-- Diamond Sutra
(as translated by A. F. Price)
Today I feel a little better. Yay.
Tonight I have to work. Not yay.

So very very not yay, truth be knwon.

I need some coffee. Brain more eloquent after coffee.

Well, maybe it won't be so eloquent. I have no idea what to do tonight. I REALLY should be studying, but.... I don't wanna. Good reason? No. I still have about 3/4ths...
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Dutch - how big are the go-cups nowadays?
I've been regaled my close friends about N.O. but i have yet to make it there in person.
- S.
It's hard to find yerba out here unfortunately, or else I would try it.

Other news - I, on a normal day, would say I'm falling into a depression. All the factors are around me. Nobody to extend my affections towards, nobody to curl up with, the world (in my eyes, at least) about to go to hell in a handbasket....

I don't know. I...
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At one time I thought that moving was the answer and it really turned out to be untrue. External change never smooths over inner turmoil. Stay docked till the seas settle.

argh. so much to do, so little time. woke up to see what i figured would happen - republicans 0wn now. IF MORE THAN 45% OF THE PEOPLE CAME OUT TO VOTE IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN DIFFERENT, YOU LAZY FUCKS.

with that all said and done...

I want some coffee. Badly.
my secret crush is feeling down. i know the reasons all too well. urgh....
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God, I wish i had some coffee.

I also wish I could take a nap.
Ha. I wake up, and Patrick nailed me with a snowball.

It is all explained here.


How I woke up, however, wasn't cute. Someone was ringing my doorbell like crazy, and I wake up all groggy from bed wondering what the fuck is going on. Then they start KNOCKING on the door, so I'm walking down the stairs half asleep in my pj's, and...
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dancing stars huh? i'm not sure i'd want to give birth to one in particular, the corners might be a little rough and jagged..but then again i might like it? the pathway to heaven leads straight through hell...
atmosphere sucks in case you didn't know...
Dear world,

Today, well, today I discovered something neat that I thought I had lost in a fog a while ago. It's rad, can kick major ass when needing to, and doesn't cost a dime.

I found me again, and I'm going to try very hard not to let go again. I'm a bitch to find when I lose myself.

To celebrate, Skinny Puppy tat...
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Cool tat. and coolest description of a marriage EVER.


I have to cram a lot of information in my brain in a short amount of time. The pressure is fun, but tiring nonetheless. Gotta do it though, or else all hopes of defending civil rights will go down the tubes.

It's been an odd day. I'm in one of those moods when I just say what's on my mind, regardless of it being...
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i enjoy going to bars by myself to read. if only people would realize that when i have a book in my hands it means that i want to be by myself and read!
I am trying to get past that painfully shy hurdle..wish me luck!
Scared money don't make none.

Tonight will be uneventful for the most part, seeing as how I have to work anyway. I'm getting my paycheck soon, then driving over to Dave's to see if he can fit me in real quicklike for a red star tat... *crosses fingers*

(update - he didn't have any time today before I had to goto work, so we're going...
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I agree, being able to NOT argue a lot with someone is really, really nice.
I think what sucked about last night is that a friend that i thought was a tight, close friend turned out to be a passerby in disguise.

Which is really hard for me because I don't have many close friends here.
Urgh. Too much at bankshots last night. Tonight will be spent hiding. Well, after work will be spent hiding. I'm debating getting a red star tat on the back of my neck, why? I have no idea. same reason as most of my other tats, i suppose. i wonder how much a small one would cost.... hmm... we shall see
Honesty IS sexy, isn't it?

Unless of course it's honesty that goes along the line of this: I am violently schizophrenic and i have many many STDs.

Then it's not sexy.
That midterm wasn't so tough at all. Apparently I *DID* memorize enough to be able to answer the ungodly amount of essay ?'s. Blargh. I noticed someone was going through a situation I was just getting over, and gave some words of encouragement. Go me and my stupid mouth.
Anyhoo. I have a Crim Just in Early Civ class today, but that's not until 6:30,...
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oh my christ burning on a stick. i woke up and it felt like my skull cracked open and my brain was replaced with fire. so i walk over to the bar after work, and Greg, Brian, Leah, and Shannon are there. Greg looks at me and goes "you have to catch up!"

Unfortunately, I did. 2 car bombs, 4 red stripes, and 3 or...
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