everyone is ultimately doomed . . .

procreation is natural and people have the animal instinct to do it, therefore they just keep doing it, whether or not they should. Whether or not they can afford it. Whether or not they even care. I met a woman (in Milwaukee) the other day, who didn't know where the state of Wisconsin was on a map of...
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I couldn't agree more. It's a sad state the world is in.
I'm gonna be 21 on Thursday. I got a digital camera for my birthday and I'm going to spend the next several days drunk as fuck. Whoo hoo. I don't like growing up. It's pretty lame. But being a kid is stupid too. And I was a stupid kid. I'm not where I thought I'd be. I don't know where that is, but its not...
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Is anyone where the thought they would be?
You know what's really cool?

I'm not pregnant.

That's pretty fuckin cool.


Fuck MySpace. or shall I say "WhateverFOXbelievestobeappropriate.com"

They don't like my new pictures. (I put'em up on here - its the Donner Party Favors set) They didn't like my old ones and now they don't like my new ones and I'm probably gonna get kicked off again, because apparently pancakes and strawberry syrup are so violent and offensive that I don't deserve to show my...
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Still no electricity. Lame.

I got really drunk and emotional last night.

My head hurts.
My house mates and I haven't had electricity since last Wednesday. Five days. Insane. I haven't been staying there, but last night, I had six girls over at my house to drink punch and eat pancakes by candle light. It wasn't just any pancake dinner. I had an agenda and it worked just beautifully. You'll know what I mean soon enough.

Did you follow Robert's Rules of Order? wink biggrin ooo aaa
I got to be naked at school!! Whoohoo! Yeah, college!

I posed nude for my friend's photo project yesterday. I go to art school (don't hold it against me) and I've posed for sculptural body casts and figure drawings before, but this was my first time posing nude for actual photographs. It was pretty cool. Quick and easy and fun. I never realized how long...
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Sometimes I wish I had gone to art school for industrial design. smile ooo aaa
Last night . . . I dyed . . .

. . . easter eggs with my mom! Mwahahaha! Lame.
I often forget what this holiday is about . . .
and then I remember . . . oh! . . . duh! Its about Rabbits.
And Eggs! And Chocolate! Lets all celebrate chocolate.
I don't really care about any of it, so . ....
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GETS ME HOT: cannibalism.

one word, Ravenous.

i'm going to help your boyfriend buy that movie if its the last thing i do!
Hi! Thankyou for commenting on my set the other day...I like it when people do that, even though it's such a long time since it went up, it shows me that I'm still appreciated biggrin

I tried to find chocolate eggs before easter, because I always eat them and I love them, but it seems all the candystores in this town has switched to some other weird easter candy frown Meh.
I just signed up for this today (around 1:30pm maybe), and I've been on it ever since (its 4:14am). I really wish I didn't have to say that, but its true. I'm also bored cause I'm at my parents' house (Easter weekend) but still. I need to find something else to do. I'm just addicted to this shit already. Best $48 I've spent in a...
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The novelty might wear off. I find it very distracting as well though. Although I do manage to get enough studying in to keep the powers that be of my case. Its the juste milieu

Brokeback was good. Had I seen it before it became so famous it would have been better. Elle hated it. Too slow for her. But then again she hated the Station Agent which for me is far superior to Brokeback.

have a happy easter, even if it is with your folks
