Yeah, there's no way that I would even try it. EVER! I have a healthy fear and respect for fire. And a huge fascination with it. But no way would I assume I could do anything like what you do.
Oh and for the record, self taught is the best way to go for many people.
Anyway, I hope your friend enjoyed the birthday surprise.
<3 K
I'll bet she was happy as a clam that you gave her your pirated wrist band. I'm glad you had a good time.
Did you celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day on the 19th? Sadly, I don't know much "Pirate Speak" besides the requisite "Arrrgh" wink
and thanks for the whoop ass offer. I'll let you know if I need it. biggrin
<3 K
By now, you all have likely heard about this incident:

The gist of the story is a kid gets tasered for asking John Kerry a question at a seminar where he was speaking at the University of Florida. The part everyone is up in arms is the fact that he got zapped. The whole incident was caught on multiple video cameras, and the scene depicted...
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I love watching conspiracy theorists on the History channel. They just make me laugh.
For real, the best laughs I get are watching them. It almost hurts to roll my eyes at them so hard wink.
<3 K

This was my day in a nutshell.

Well, at least you decimated them! I'm glad that you did that. Now, I should do the same thing with mine.
<3 K
Well, we get to the event site and get raped up the ass for gate fee... I mean seriously. I have paid more for only ONE event EVER, and that was Courtesan Carnival last year-- and THAT event at least included food, firewood and showers in the cost!!! If you can't tell, this does not bode well for this event site... The majority of the...
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I guess everyone has their drama huh?
I'm glad you were able to set Dragon Steps straight. Mr. Assface seems like a real winner whatever I hope it doesn't take long for him to get his comeuppance. (and mostly probably from you! wink)
I hope you're both all caught up on your rest now.
<3 K
Oh I'm so sorry. I'm sure Lorelai will understand and be happy to know you cared so much. frown
God Speed to the Rainbow Bridge kitty!
<3 K
I know it's been nearly a week since the end of the event, but I just haven't had the time. Now I can get this all down, for my tens of loyal readers.

I got a ride from Fae, Aly and Medic, who miraculously had room for me and all my shit. Hallelujah. They get here and I begin to get my gear downstairs... Which...
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Sounds like a great time overall then. biggrin
I'm glad you were satisfied with it.

yes, I did get it to play finally. Thanks.
Finally put together a video of my ADULTS-ONLY fire performance. Feel free to watch and give feedback.


I can't get it to play but I've seen some of your videos so I know they're awesome. biggrin
Needs more erections. tongue
That's a gorgeous picture. Everyone looks so amazing in their dresses, and the men in their kilts! Sexy! love
oh that's so cool! Gotta love a man in a kilt to.
Our wedding was Saturday, June 23. Vlad, Speedboy and I got up at 8:20, and I messaged Lorelai to ask what time we needed to be there. Her reply? 9:30. OHSHIT... I pretty well kicked Vlad out of bed, Speedboy wasn't really a problem. I jumped into the shower, got clean in a friggin' hurry, Speedboy was next, followed by Vlad. So now we're clean,...
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Ohhhh congratulations. Sounds like it was a fantastic day and I can't wait to see the pictures.
Many blessing and much love for your marriage! biggrin
Some people are just so fucking trashy it's not even worth being nice. I know it was hard for you to actually post all of this out of respect but it really should be done. I tried reading the guy's blog to see if he had anything to say, but it didn't make much sense (the girls blog was set to private). It sucks that this is going on in a community that you enjoy so much and I hope you can find a way to get it all taken care of and the trash set to the curb.
Wow, Wow, Wow.... It always amazes me that some people can be so oblivious as to think that they are perfect when they are so far from it isn't funny. I have a few around me that are rather similar....scary isn't it? I can't offer anything but a knowing nod and the sympathy of someone who has had to deal with this kind of shit before. The good thing is that, somehow, somewhere, they will get their comeuppance....

PS where the heck can I get one of those ducks?! biggrin I have someone I need to give that to....
You think they're smart enough to figure it out? Or are you giving them way too much credit?
It'd sure be nice if people like that all had to live on an island with only themselves and find a way to figure things out on their own. (I'm assuming they'd kill each other off pretty quickly so it'd be good for everyone)
Have a great weekend.