Yes, you should come check it out! We could use someone like you in there smile
And here I thought guitars were sexy before...*sigh* very nice, lovely woman. kiss
OK...so I'm still withdrawing from the love junkie thing...what can I say I'm doing it without another soft body to nurture it away! Came up with this in lieu of all that.

Thoughts my dear ones?

Genuflect in the days of bitter ham

I thought
in time
I would pass through whatever in this was
I think
at Fountain and Wilcox
of the...
Read More
Nice, I thank you. lol... wink

edit to say: me lik'em new profile pic, so cool.. (caveman voice)

Oh, Yeah, well check this out........

[Edited on Aug 16, 2004 11:45AM]

What is the image? Are you Mac or PC? Try this for PC.

Hey thank you so much for the attempt, of course now my curiosity is peeking, as Im sure you are a veteran, not to be whatever, but this may be helpful.
As for posting try this, go to any web sight you like, Right click on image, go to properties, copy location...
Click on image bar to the right, paste url image location into box, and click ok, add a little note if you like, hit submit and it is just that easy.
Just cant wait to partake in all the visual fun

Come to my journal with said image of your personal yumminess

Have fun with all your adventures, Daawling..
(that last one just got annoying) wink

[Edited on Aug 16, 2004 7:55PM]
Does anyone know about the possibility of software that can counter each time someone reads my journal? I think I have a lurker...not that is bad but heck


All experiences would be helpful! wink
that would be cool aside from the journal comments to have a counter everytime someone comes to your journal though that might depress me if i knew how few people actually came to my journal
I recently saw one of your posts in a group we belong to and thought I would say hello ... smile
So much to write about this crazy up and down I've been spinning on. Feel like I'm in that whirly thing that ROMPER ROOM opened with...(howz that for "old skool"...Geezers?).

I could just go on blah blah blah about the observations I've had over the last 72 hours, things I think about posting when I'm in them and when I get to the computer, they...
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Hey, you.
So what does it take to get an image posted in my journal around here?
Wow...great post...I find so much enjoyment out of your perspective on life...thank you for posting so masterfully...

With a barge of pick-up lines spinning through my head, my brain keeps returning to the last one...A band came into the radio station for an interview and when I went around to meet them, the guitar player, who was really great looking by the way, says..."wow, you have the best tits ever..." I giggled and said..."hey, baby...my face is up here.." He was quickly ushered away by another member of the band, and called later to apologize...(I'm sure fearful that I wouldn't run their interview on the air). Creativity with an underlying vulgarity gets my attention, usually. Points for creativity for sure. One day boys will understand that honesty works just as well... wink
Ain't it weird how you can be going about your day then something cracks and hits you like a wave you didn't expect then flushes your body with "feelings".

I was changing my outgoing message today on my message center and while futzing around with my new outgoing greeting I played back the old alternate greeting. While I was listening to the playback, in the...
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When did you last passionately kiss someone one for hours?
Just a day or so ago (child rearing can hinder this sorta thang) funny though prior to this man I had never maintained a long-term relationship where I even had the desire to do so after a year ++ of cohabitation.

Tattooes? Symbolism and/or story behind them?
Two to datethe first one on the right side of the top of my nether regions was done at Sunset Tattoo after I left my first husband in serious retaliation of his favorite commentary about his disdain for tats I designed it (half moon face/half sun face in Aztec qualities)its not so unique 11 years later2nd one on my spine two years ago when I was diagnosed with autoimmune, anorexia, and a plethora of other shite that I was told could kill me designed it again a nekkid me hugging a skeleton with the banner reading Fearless whipped around my abklemore to come

Have you ever named a pet after a loved one?
Define loved one I have named pets after favorite loved artistsone cat still carrying the name Maxfield Parrish (his sister named Britney Spears Spears and no I did not stutter by the daughter)

Who was the last person you told a truth or your truth to?
I only ever tell the truth anymoreI am too old to do any lessit is some tough stuffbut we get through it.

Does your bed head north, south, east or west?
It heads towards the moon.

If someone offered to tell the "truth" about someone you love, would you listen?
I do have - would and will.

If there were an option to take a pill that would harness your libido but the effect would be extended creativity;would you take it?
Nope. My creativity abounds some days above and beyond my already heartily active libido.
Lucky me.

kiss kiss kiss
good questions sistah!
When did you last passionately kiss someone one for hours?
Yesterday night, amidst the electro-clash of murder and passion of a low volume television in my bed with my life partner in crimeslowly falling into that world that occurs when asleep.

Tattoos? Symbolism and/or story behind them?
First tattoo-I was 16 and dying to somehow be noticed in a world filled with the blindfolded masses orbiting the gravity of my moon bone. It is a flaming claw, grabbing an eyeball, while streaking across an arm that could only be mine.
Second-A black very small stencil of the Zig-Zag man, I hate it and the one abovebut they do mark a time in my life when I was searching for the epiphany of dichotomy. I needed something to brand that into the only thing I owned.
Third- A tribal-esque piece on my right upper arm..it is the moon, and the faces that laughed at me..it is beauty for the sure symmetry
Fourth-A Celtic design, forever connecting the guilt of my youth to the man who would carry that for many years.
Fifth- A design (Celtic-three line knot) that would fulfill its destiny when I met my wife and step daughter-I drew it hoping she would see it and follow the beacons of the lighthouses behind my eyes.
Sixth- Celtic band around my wrist.to remind myself why I chose to heed the words of woody Guthrie and live my life simple, but assured..it is slowly bleeding into itself.as we all are
Seventh, Eighth- Two Tibetan prayers which are identical---one on the backsides of each arm above the elbow.Left Blue, to match that eye, right green to match that eye (mine are different colors) the prayer is a prayer that simply says rebirth, evolve over and over
Have you ever named a pet after a loved one?
Yesbut based on my definition of loved one.and I will never do it again

Who was the last person you told a truth or your truth to?
If I lied that would destroy my credibility from withinthat will never happennot on my watch.Let your yes be yesand your no be no

Does your bed head north, south, east or west?
All of the above..it is the one place on earth where I spend my quality time

If someone offered to tell the "truth" about someone you love, would you listen?
Why deny what you already know

If there were an option to take a pill that would harness your libido but the effect would be extended creativity; would you take it?
They go hand in handthe passion breeds the creativity.and the creativity breeds the passion.pills are for schoolchildren who like Fred Flintstone

P.S. I am JuneClevage's partner in crime...she asked me to come by and say hello and to answer the survey)
lyrics by Roger Waters of

so you think you can tell
Heaven from Hell, blue skies from pain.
Can you tell a green field
from a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?

And did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for...
Read More
Hey you, chek'n in, saying hi.........hope'n lifes being good to ya'. wink

edit: Pink Floyd stole my soul.........

[Edited on Aug 02, 2004 4:26PM]
Thanks so much for taking time to wish me a happy birthday! That was very thoughtful! biggrin
Countdown to thirty-six. Tomorrow! smile

I feel today, like my truth self is just learning to tie its shoes. smile
mmm....you may not even know who you are killing.

That has got to be the most awesome thing i have ever heard!

What? It is your B-Day, well have a happy glad you were born day!!!!!!! smile

this is yoseph. i saw your post on the tattoo group. call me at my shop 714-579-7765 wed-sun/12-8. i'm not sure what we started on you but call me to refresh my memory.
Ouch! blackeyed
Nice to see you back smile

What, may I ask, is the 'Ouch! blackeyed ' for?

I find fast food so comforting!

Not necessarily eating it but when you get stuck in a unfamiliar place or country isn't it sanctuary to find the pleasant glow of golden arches or the vibrant red and white stripes of KFC?

Yesterday mid-evening I went down into THE HOOD. My day was mostly spent from being pretty ripe from the FRICKIN!' HEAT here in Hollywood...
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what a fine notion you have there for the kids and the arts...many many props darlin' kiss
(and now let's kick some fast thai food into gear shall we? we could call it "thai-ng one on" wink )

[Edited on Jul 19, 2004 7:04PM]
As a hypnotist, it's my job to find a person's triggers for thought pathways they don't want to go down and give them a new option. So the question is, what response would you prefer to have to your triggers? They are actually pretty easy to find in a little left brain / right brain technique I learned if your interested.

What it boils down to is when we have a a strong response to something, one hemisphere of the brain may be overiding the message of the other, and that causes an unbalancing.

That's how people get stuck.

The neuro-linguistic process should serve to supress the overiding message long enough for the message that is softer to be heard.

"The messenger will not rest until the message has been delivered"

If you were to ask me what I think about the fact that the guy who fucked my ex is a member of SG and is probably on the prowl again as we speak, I would answer "Well, I don't think much about it."

Take care, I hope to hear from you soon smile


And it's been awhile
Since I could hold my head up high
And it's been awhile
Since I first saw you
And it's been awhile
Since I could stand on my own two feet again
And it's been awhile
Since I could call you

And everything I can't remember
As fucked up as it all may seem
The consequences that I've...
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Ok...it's late and well...I'm misbehavin'
found this website and discovered my inner homicidal maniac is:

"You're just like Hannibal Lecter from Silence of the Lambs. You're intelligent, cultured, and have a penchant for classical music, red wine and delicious human flesh. You're also very charismatic, which makes you a hit with the ladies who you'll later date, screw and then cook."

Try on your hocky...
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Ouch! I got Freddy Krueger. And they called me "dog ugly"! frown
you couldn't be more dead on...about approaching perspectives from a child's eye...I was just saying that I found it ironic that so many spend all this money and time studying photogrpahy to become "professionals" only to emulate what a child does naturally...things that make you go hmmmm..... wink