Fuck the Large Hadron Collider. Like, disregard it. If anyone actually looked into things, they'd know that the initial test done last Wednesday was simply to accelerate a few particles around the ring - no actual collisions. Those aren't due for a while yet. What we should be up in arms about in fear is the IBM Roadrunner supercomputer. That fecking thing was tested earlier...
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Yey, finally getting some decent hours at work. I really need the fucking money. Got my eye checked out this morning too, turns out there's nothing major wrong with it and I worry too much. Thank Christ for that one.
On a completely unrelated note, Sparks fucking rock. And I've managed to convert the whole flat into Matisyahu fans. I didn't think that would have...
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Awesome, Queen Kong in Lavery's on the 27th. Haven't seen those guys play in nearly a year. Got my ticket for Ladytron's Belfast show the other day too, just need to grab one for the Dublin gig now and I'm set. Should probably look into seeing Blaze Bayley, too, while I'm at it.
Dear Christ, I'd kill for a cigar. A real one, not those filthy little Henry Wintermanns from the shop down the street. I think I'll get a few in tomorrow.
I think "Operation: Get Robin the fuck out of the house" begins in earnest this week coming. I'm game. I'm more than game. I'm two games. It's going to be nice to feel at home...
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Dear God. I had to mop that fucking floor twice in three days, and if I have to wash the table again I'm gonna crack her skull with it.
"Collateral" is an awfully good film though, isn't it?
Man, the flat's just so... relaxed... without having to listen to the queen bee harping on. And it's clean! I think we're going to have to ask her to move out. Just hope she doesn't force John to move out with her. frown
Yey, I maybe possibly hopefully passed Philosophy the second time round. I really dislike that bloody thing. Also, turns out there's a pretty professional-looking Blondie tribute band playing the Empire in a few weeks. Sounds like a good plan.
But you know what pisses me off? Sunday timetables for buses and trains and what-have-you. Not fun.
I like your rambling it made me feel great today biggrin
God damn, Lego are slooooooow fucking bastards. I need my Legos!
Fuck me, this is shaping up to be a good year for gigs in Belfast. Already seen Crystal Castles and Acid Mothers Temple, then there was the trip to Dublin for Ladytron. Now Crystal Castles and Ladytron have announced more dates this same year, and Blaze fucking Bayley's coming! BLAZE FUCKING BAYLEY! YES!

I just came.
Yey, finally getting a name badge at work! It's only been, what, three years? And I plan on quitting anyway. So, yey!