Well, today I officially put in my two weeks notice. Is it foolish to quit when you don't have another job lined up, to a certain extent, yes it is. It is very foolish. Do very few people succeed when they quit thinking they can go out on their own and manage? Yes again, it won't be easy.

But I really had to do it....
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Big life changes are hard, but I wish you the best of luck.

As I promised this is the first blog entry of Malrational. A blog series where I'll talk about Mal's rational based on a variety of issues. I think a lot of these will be very long and I know most (if any) will not read it (if that is you check the bottom I'll put a little key note synopsis). Also I know this isn't...
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The World Cup has ended. Unfortunately for me and all my fellow Argentina supporters it ended with heartbreak. Heartache is never fun but I'm used to it. As someone who fails in life and loses often I am quite used to this pain. Argentina played a good game. The game really played out like I expected. The Germans would come out strong but the Argentine...
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Another day and another night where the clock rolls past midnight and I just can't fall asleep. Oh well, guess I'll blog about something important to me. That is of course the World Cup finals!! Which will be Argentina vs Germany. I've been cheering in Argentina for soo long, pretty much my whole life once I started following soccer. It would mean so much to...
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ive been cheering for Germany as I have been whole my life and they won ^^ but im sorry for the loss of your team that you were cheering x

A little late but this will be my final recap of my trip to Brazil for the World Cup! I got to see 6 matches in total and the trip was really fun and exciting. It had some good and some bad but was really worth it and if there are any big sports fans I suggest you try to go to the next World...
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Happy Fourth of July to anyone that celebrates it. My favorite holiday by far for a lot of reasons but in particular because I love fireworks. Plus there are lots of barbecue parties and grilled food to be had. I know that a lot of people might not like my country of the USA but I do love it despite all it's faults.


today is my last day in Brazil. A long flight back to New York awaits me but I am excited to get bavk. I'll write another blog entry when I get back, just too busy to write about the latest cool stuff I have experienced here. Certainly lots of fun, hopefully I'll get to come back during a Brazil summer to really enjoy all those...
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the world cup is up to the round of 16. 4 matches so far in this knockout round done, two of which had to go to penalty kicks. Penalty kicks are soo stressful to watch. Just brutal on the heart if it is your team going through it. Brazil and Chile had very exciting pk. Blocks and misses, ending on a missed shot which hit...
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Lucky me I got to watch a second Argentina match yesterday. It is great to be able to cheer on your favorite team. Once again they did not disappoint. Messi the Great scored two goals including a free kick so perfect the goalie didn't even bother to try and stop it. I must say though this argentina crowd was loud but not near the level...
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