Boring! That's what I've been thinking a lot with this site. I guess there can be such a thing as too much of a good thing. That, like, sucks... man.
1) A turn signal is a fairer indicator of a driver's ignorance of their surroundings than an announcement of their intentions.

2) Cell phone use in moving vehicles is the new bitches putting make-up on while looking at their reflections in the mirror while driving twenty over the speed limit. This new malady inflicts both genders.

3) Pedestrians who ignore traffic signals should be fair...
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Why the Brain Sucks Sometimes

Riding back into Sacramento, I saw an amazing horizon. It was dark and foreboding, housing currents of rain that pelted the ground. I was still stuck in blinding sunlight, so the creepy sight in front of me was somewhat welcoming. Why? It fit my fucking mood, duh...

Also, it reminded me of a moment I had when I was attending...
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thanks for the comment on my new set! kiss
Way too personal ad...


Age: 46

Height: 5'

Weight: 140

Occupation: Retired paralegal/Web designer/personal trainer

Location: Walnut Creek, California

Sexual History: Before I got married, I kept the names of men I slept with in a binder. I have herpes, but I don't give it away.

Info: I've got fabulous boobs, and I'm only slightly overweight. My skin, however, is embarrassingly loose from years...
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Animals are funny...

-Steve Irwin wasn't alone. In October of 2006, off the coast of Boca Raton, Florida, a man named James Bertakis was on a boat. A giant stingray leapt from the water and landed on James' lap (no joke), paused a moment, and stabbed him through the heart and killed him. Witnesses said the stingray flexed its tail a few times before conducting...
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I like books:

"She had a figure that made an hourglass look like a half-hour."

"I am a disappointment to many people with expectations of who they'd like me to be"

-"Mr. Sebastian and the Negro Magician"
Watching pretty boy Tom Brady get thrown around like a rag doll and constantly overthrowing his receivers was a personal thrill from a die-hard Rams fan who learned just how deep the Patriots' cheating ways really are this weekend. I couldn't be a happier fucking clam, ladies. Fuck the New Cheatin' Patriots. Assholes! mad

Heh. Geez! That was so... immature!
I don't have an inny lol I am very preggo in the pics so it's an outty for now :-)
Nah, I pretty much just drool when I sleep.

And fart.
What I've learned about Wonder Woman so far...

1) William Moulton Marston, the psychologist who created Wonder Woman in 1941, was also the inventor of the lie detector.

2) Marston had four children... from two different women. One of the lucky gals was his wife, who gave birth to a son and a daughter. The second was his personal assistant during the development of his...
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Last year sucked. How bad did it suck? Well, uh... Shit, use your own fucking metaphor. Anyway, it sucked. Bad. Not Michael Jackson bad either. My wife was a tremendous burden and I was reminded of the fact that a lot of people stay in marriages just because it's convenient. Bah! I stay in mine because my wife gives amazing head. Oh, and I'm still...
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Heh, it's nice of you to say, but I really don't have the training or skill to really act in anything other than desperate-for-actors community theatre. My real skill lies in the technical stuff, like stage management and set construction.
Not stage shy - just not very good at it. It's not the type of thing you can just do if you're comfortable on stage - you also need talent, training, and real dedication to be good. I prefer to run things and build things.
You know what's strange? Being so sick in the head (I'm not talking psychotic here, people) that your taste buds are shot to hell. Everything I've been eating this week has tasted the same. Only the texture has leant to me some variety. How... weird. To think, the sense I would miss so badly in its absence would be the sense of taste. Viva 2008!
What do they play?

Also, food without taste... I would probably feel the need to kill myself. Food makes life worth living above all other things.
I'm making a website with an army of amazing people called I pegedmyself.com It's a site dedicated to the practice of being fucked with a replica of your own cock. It's pretty close to getting the fuck fucked out of you smile
I am done with porn. I am tired of it ruling my idle moments all alone. It's silly, really. I'm such a horn dog for my wife that it's dumb to waste minutes (or hours) looking at complete strangers who are naked or fucking or naked and fucking (it happens, people!) and getting aroused. It's time to put that child's toy down and move on....
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I think if we were here for political discussion, my dancing naked (or otherwise) would be so outrageously random I'd be remarkably disappointed if someone didn't have any comments at all.

And, really, I'm also a lot more active on the site than some SGs. Stands to reason, really.
I do... sorta.

Maybe that's what my wife should've said. Instead, she led me down the garden path. She is no longer the woman I married, but is the change really that significant? What a silly question. Of course it is.

The woman I married didn't smoke. She also didn't do drugs. She also didn't drink beers with men I hardly know in bars in...
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