Snow in richmond! wow at least my classes are canceled. I hate cold weather for the most part, snow is good bvut not when you can't play in it. my boyfriend got me a stuffed unicorn shes white with a pink mane and tail we are gonna call her sheena. Yeah I'm a dork smile
Awww, ya big dork!!!!!!! wink

If you come to that thing in C'ville, let me know so I can look for you. smile
so you're in the feminists group too, eh?? wink Isn't it fun?

It's keeping me up to speed on intellectual arguments so when I head to grad school I'm not completely worthless in an academic setting.
I saw big fish and I really liked it didn't completely like the end though. Don't wanna give it away but I didn't like that it wasn't completely true.
Hello fellow Virginianianian whatever Just wanted to say hey
I do not. I've graduated elsewhere already. Welcome to the site. Stop by my journal. smile