
I am so much happier now. I'm in a new apartment, with a friend who is a much better personality/morality/opinion match than in the previous place. The apartment is fairly small, but it is so very nice. There is a major bus and LRT stop just down the street. It is so much easier to get anywhere from here than the old place.

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OK, so I found a website with a bunch of anthro pick-up lines and jokes. If you don't like cheesy nerdy humour, don't read any further! I just think these are too funny not to post somewhere.

Are you happy to see me or is that a trowel in your pocket?
You fit my culturally defined paradigm of beauty.
So tell me about your culture's...
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"Why yes I do have a boyfriend but.. *looks him up and down* ...in this case I think polyandry is a viable sociobiological sexual situation."


I loves it.

I feel like I'm starting to climb out of that hole that I have been in. I've been so extremely tired lately, that it literally takes all my energy to get through work. But I think the doctor and I have found the medical reason for it, so even knowing that there is something that can be done makes me feel better. And I'm...
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posting pics is a boost to the confidence... comments and compliments follow... smile Not trying to be vain, but a single girl needs a little pick me up once in a while. smile
Sorry I haven't written anything lately. I've been dealing with a bunch of stuff, and its stuff that I could easily rant about, so I'm not going to say anything.

So today I hop on one of those new ETS busses, and I discovered something new. Did anybody else know that there is such a thing as "new bus smell"? I guess it makes sense,...
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I think I'm going to crawl out of my nice little hidey-hole and say: due to unforseen circumstances I won't be going on tour after all. blackeyed Now I'm going to go hide again.
I feel like I'm banging my head against the wall trying to get everything done. But right now I'm torn between staying up to watch the game (cause I'm officially cheering for Vancouver, which will likely mean their immediate elimination) or going to bed early so I can get up early and work when I'm not feeling half asleep. Maybe I'll go get yet more...
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Thank goodness Vancouver won. I actually have a team I can cheer for. Sorta.

Man, sometimes I really love being in a small faculty. In one of the classes in which I have a term paper due next week, the prof said that all we have to do is tell her, and then we can hand it in after Easter instead. Phew. Now I don't have to be stressed out during the concert!

I'm so looking forward to tonight! biggrin
smile yay for reduced stress kiss
I never actually applied to Hole's because their website said they weren't accepting applications. But clearly Greenland was biggrin
I am feeling so very comfy right now. I'm wearing my comfy pj pants, drinking some tea, sitting in the sun while watching Toy Story. Once I'm done this, I'll be actually doing something productive. But for right now, I'm enjoying myself. Later today I'm going to be getting together with a friend who I haven't seen in way too long. And meeting her new...
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Drama and papers. That is the extent of my life right now. Hopefully the drama will be lessening now, at least in one aspect. Its a long story, and I'm only peripherally involved so I'm not going to go into it.

But on the other hand, not only did my prof ok my term paper topic of the Piltdown Hoax, but she gave me a...
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The Piltdown Man hoax has fascinated me for years. I have to admit though, I've never written a paper on it. But given the opportunity, I might have liked to have tried. Have fun! smile
I was thinking about actually working on papers tonight, but I think I'm just going to go to bed really early instead. Physio really wore me out today. I guess working muscles that I haven't worked in 3 weeks would do that. Oh, and I missed the bus, so I also walked partway home. Sometimes I think the bus gods don't like me. On the...
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The biggest problem with adult proof pill containers is usually that kids can get into them better than we can tongue