ok so my mums back at last so i dont have to take care of my dad and his injured arm. he'l be ok tho... main thing i guess.
so i can catch up on some hard earned sleep... hell yeah!
ive noticed i havent watched that much tv latley.... and i havnt been missin it either.... guess i just cant be arsed really. tv...
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I know she's crazy.

The DVD was pretty good some parts better than others of course. I liked the music most, but you don't really need the DVD for that. Check it out when you have the money and I'll take you Mexico when you're ready. biggrin
thanks for your comments, i have sent you an email hope you dont mind wink
im so sleepy right now.... my dad has fucked up his arm so im having to cook his food and sort the house out....so im not actually getin home till about 9ish evrynight. im soo tired.
oh well
im thinkin of gettin an old skirt and doin some relaly cool design in it.... for the mcr gig. i dunno what yet tho. somehting mcr related...
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I think that you were so tired that what you wrote makes like no since. Sleep well any way, tiger. wink
how are you? wink
ive bene pissed off all week.... everything is just getting to me... but anyways.
just got a stack of dvds of my sister.... lol collios... half of em are shit tho. no matter... itl pass some of that tediousness other wise known as time.
my kitten had his balls chopped off the other day... lol... poor baby. needed doing tho.
im goin to see my...
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nipples cool, thanks, healing nicely a bit like your kitty i hope biggrin
MCR should be good, i'm looking to go see Alice Cooper in November in Birmingham, nothing like mcr i know but hey i'm an old fart tongue
it's good to be free now and all the pain to be over.
At last i have ordered my ticket for Alice Cooper at Sheffield in November, YAY!!!
Poison, classic song
hows you? wink
today was lame.... lameass.... lame.
oh god willow waws on tv last night... what a kick ass film.... aint seen it in years. i taped it so ill watch it when i can be arsed.
im gonna get some more pics up here but i gotta convert them yet..... im lazy.... so.. it probably never happen.
my head hurts whatever
failed miserably in my attempt to get it all done so sadly i think itll be capped when i hand it in unless i can talk my way out of it (which for some reason im becoming increasingly good at wink )

hows u?
Welcome to the group, come share your story. biggrin
oops silly me.... i wrote it in the comment bit and not the journal entry bit... doh!
BR2 is pretty good muchg the same as the first but with more guns and more bloodshed (if thats possible). I find the best thing to do with saving is give it to someone trustworthy and tell them to hold on to it till the day i need no matter how much i plead and grovel i need a new pair of trainers coz the ones i bought last week wore out blah blah

you like diet coke with lemon i like it with lime but does any1 like it with vanilla i think not wink
hi all..... ive been kinda shy and havnt really sorted my profile out untill now.
today im looking after the cutest little puppy.... and my kitten hates her..... al ive heard is hisses all day.
i live in the uk.... and its really hot today... a rarity... but ive been indoors all damn day on here....
anyways..... thats it for now from moi

well welcome to the site ish even tho i think i joined in july as well, huh, have u seen battle royale two what did u think of it?

you could go on a posting run, thats what i am attempting its funtabulous

anyhoos enjoy the site wink
today i went to the hospitalwith my dad... hes cut his arm up real bad.. he went to get his stitches out.... yukky.... i have a strong stomach...but that was tough. anywhos hes gonna be fine and thats all that count i spose.
im goin to see mt chemical romance in november and im seriously in need of money.... i need to spend spend spend when im there. only one problem with this problem...... im a lazy ass.... and i can NOT save money. ha ill think of something.
ooo aaa