So I died in ARK.
I've been trying very hard to avoid permadeath for my character because he's carrying everything and he's far.. very far from home so I'm doubtful of being able to recover his body, his personal effects, but more importantly the 5 creatures with him.. 3 Brontos, a Stego, and an Ankylo..
I'm annoyed because I've been avoiding death by rage quitting.. and so can restore a save. I'm sure you're not supposed to do this but I'm like wtv I'm not about to build bases without the good resources which require long treks into the wilderness.
All day I was like.. I like the way I play.. solo I mean because I enjoy the journey.. but rely pretty heavily on rage quitting because no matter how prepared.. and how many rexes and alpha raptors and megalodons we've downed.. there's always bullshit around each corner.
The bullshit that got us the trying to get back to the summit of Frozen Tooth in search of crystal. We were there once... but through significant pathing issues given 3 drunk AF brontos that can't path to save their lives.. or mine.. we ended up in Whitesky and my character froze to death. Basically I saw snow and realized we were fucked.
After 3 or 4 rage quits it dawned on me I could just make a bed and respawn somewhere else.
But died. At least the sleeping bag is with my crew up at whitesky. IRL they'd all be as dead since the temp dropped to -12 but so long as they are alive I'll find them and all my shit.
OR I'll have to start over. At level 50 that doesn't mean anything.. but I'm going to have to get back to Frozen Tooth for Crystal so might as well prepare and go get them. Not sure how to survive -12 weather of whitesky but will eventually figure it out.
Once I resolved to stay dead I respawned at base. And was sort of salved by having enough mats available to craft all main tools and had thankfully left enough perfect condition armour.
No meat because it had all gone bad in the 10 days we were gone searching for crystal but that's easily rebuilt.
But no narcotics or narco berries was annoying. I'd have to find a Trike. And then tame it.
Next morning I'm out and about trying to build up a desire to farm basic mats when I ran into my original Trike I'd left behind because had become a low level liability compared to the rest of the crew.. then only the 3 brontos.
Hmmm. K GREAT! back to farming quick mats and will hopefully have a good enough but lean enough crew to get back to the others and maybe will farm enough crystal to not have to require going directly to Frozen Tooth.
Even that is a quandary because I don't need any other creatures.
Finding a high teens level female Stego would be great and might be enough to survive getting to Whitesky.. but IF I need to and do collect two more brontos to assure a safe journey.. I might have to slaughter them or let them go when I find my crew.