We had a wonderful lighting storm roll in a couple of days ago, lots of heavy rain and wonderful cracks of lighting. We also had a power surge which wiped my hard drive and may have shorted my integrated sound card. So now I'm starting from scratch and having to go buy a new sound card. I lost a few pictures of friends and family...
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Pretty girls think I should post in my blog, so I guess I will.

I am generally regarded by those who have read my written works, (as small a number as those may be,) as "quite a good writer and if you ever complete this story I would really like to read it." I have recently taken to rereading some of my more thought provoking...
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So I finally gave in and joined SG. Well since I have little else to do right now might as well. Should I doublt post from my blog on Myspace as well?
You haven't updated your blog since 2005? Holy jeez.

Well, thank you for all the comments you've been leaving on my blogs. Your kind words have not go unnoticed and I appreciate them greatly. smile