2009 is going to be complicated...

Today my best friend, who is a long term relationship with my other best friend, told me that he wants to have sex with me. He is having troubles in his relationship and is considering taking a break.

Now it is nearly 2am, I am drinking heavily, cursing the lack of hard liquor in my apartment, and listening to...
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I finished my most recent doll today. I made it for my sister, and I think that the doll really represents her.

The fabric for the body of the doll is a bandanna because that was once her accessory of choice. I also made her hair somewhat long because my sister's hair has been getting quite long. She also tried to make her own chain...
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I finished two more VooDoo Dolls. Although my ultimate goal is to make 200 for some sort of art installation, I made these two specifically for a couple of friends because they will be providing a place for me to crash next week during my vacation. Whoo! Vacation!

Speaking of blogs, which we weren't but I'm not all that great at transitions, one of my...
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Sad. Sad, sad, sad...

I had a great weekend.

I finished my most recent semester at work, picked cherries with my family, visited my ailing grandmother (who, for once, was doing great), played with my little cousin (who is not quite so little any more), and saw three great friends.

Still, right at this moment, I am irrationally sad.

That said...
I am feeling a...
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Hey girl! Haven't heard from you in a while. Hope your spirits're a little higher. smile
Is it because the weekend's over? I get that way, sometimes. After a great time, I get a little sad because I know that even the happiest moments are fleeting.

That's when I usually fix myself a snack. oink
I finally finished my newest VooDoo Doll. It has been sitting on the chair - naked and without eyes - for months. I felt horrible, but I wasn't sure what I was going to do about the clothing until today.

I posted pictures of all of the dolls. The orange one is the newest.
Nice doll. However, I have a question: Isn't a VooDoo doll created for the purpose of being stuck by pins by an angry/jealous owner? So, really, is being naked and eyeless really that bad when one considers the expected, inevitable life your average VooDoo doll will live?

P.S. Do I get extra-special, super-duper, multitudinous gold-star-equivalent, bonus points from a lit prof for referencing Proust in my journal? No? What if I helped erase the chalk-board after class?
You raise a good point, but I can't bear to see anyone forced to remain naked... even an anthropomorphized doll of my own creation.

I give out extra credit like it is candy. My candy, on the other hand, I hoard like I'm building a fallout shelter for Y2K.
Girl Scout cookies are in.

I no longer eat Girl Scout Cookies. I lost a taste for them since spending time as a "cookie whore" in my youth.....

At least I didn't have to sell Tom Watt like the Boy Scouts.
My knowledge of the Boy Scouts is lacking, but selling Tom Watt? And doesn't every little girl dream of one day becoming a cookie whore? biggrin
When my brother was a Boy Scout, he had to sell things from Tom Wat (sorry, I misspelled it earlier). At the time Tom Wat mostly offered household objects (picture frames, candle holders, coin counters, holiday wrapping paper, some pet items). The best thing about my brother selling Tom Wat was that he got this briefcase full of samples that came with the catalog. The samples had to be returned, but I used to love going through the briefcase. I would marvel at the crap that he managed to sell.

Tom Wat has since been replaced with some other fundraiser, but the company still exists. Here's a link to their website: Tom Wat