Still alive, all. House projects taking up time (and killing my sinuses. Damned allergies!) I haven't forgotten all of you, I swear! I hope you haven't all forgotten me! (though I probably deserve it.) Wish I could say we'd been off travelling Europe or something, but no... Here. Trying not to spend too much money. Working on the house.
Boring, boring, boring, I'm afraid. Sigh. surreal
Were singing the same song. The one that goes..

***Sung to a hard rock/country beat***
Cause I ain't bben around and ain't got no good excuse
I been sittin here bored when I wish I was a knockin boots
doodle lee dooo

Hope you life outside of here is going pretty good. Hope ya been havin some fun!
It's nice hearing from you. I missed you.

Thank you for the encouragement. I can't tell you how draining this past weekend was. I don't ever want to feel that way again, but there are no guarantiies I won't. I appreciate your and everyone else's support. I couldn't have made it this far without it.

Not to worry. Speaking for myself, it would be impossible to forget you. You're too good a friend.

My Saturday night---Home Depot and ShopRite Grocery Store. When did I become so damn boring??? Hubby went to NIN and Jane's Addiction show last night (being called the NINJA tour), with a friend who had an extra ticket. I chatted on facebook with old high school friends who are now adults who talk way too much about church for my tastes. Hubby and Boss go...
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How's everything with you? Good, I hope. I miss you.
I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!
I so wish you wouold get face book. I am leaving SG probably real soon. I WILL still be around (cant say in public) but FB is the best way to keep in touch with me.
I THOUGHT you said you had it... but I couldnt find ya. I am gonna message ya my info again.. I hope you get online soon and see this... I really miss you.
I am pretending to be a visual artist these days. With Neo around and Boss upstairs, I'm surrounded by ongoing visual image bombardment. I should stick to my forte, of course, and write, but nooooo. I come up with this bright idea involving female pin ups cropped and cut into body parts, basically, for a collage, to then be handed over to Neo for him...
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OK first, I'm intrigued by the posts above mine and will have to root these posts out ASAP! I hate not being in the loop here, as silly as that sounds tongue

Thanks for your lovely comment Luky, it meant a lot to me. It's indeed been a trying time as of late which has actually spanned almost a years time at this juncture! I know things will look brighter after a bit; it's just all so overwhelming sometimes right now. I really appreciate your kind thoughts towards Ryan as well!

Hope all is well in your world...please give my love to Neo, too kiss kiss
Spund like you are having fun being creative. thats awesome. Never stop being creative and having fun. NEVER!

I got you moma/bday wish. thanks. Like you I have been scarce lately. I work about 50 hours per week these days, and being a single mom... I just don't have a much time to play on line these days. But I am still interested in whats going on in SG land. Its still a fun place to visit.
Finished finals, but can't say summer is off to all that great a start just yet. Neo's disability/soc. sec. has been cut again (been having issues with them for 3 years now) and we're facing some financial issues. Right now, there are 4 people living in this house (and a whole zoo of pets) and I'm the only one with a steady income. Teacher's salary,...
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Welcome back hun!
Remember all the things I said I wanted? Yaaaa I found them. The story is quite romantic!!! biggrin

Is there anything I can do to help with the stress???
I am sorry you are going through a rough time, I understand the money problems. I hope everything gets worked out with Neo's disability soon! I have missed you!

kiss kiss

Bender wuz here

New blog post, same status. We're into finals week right now, so I'm still MIA for another week and a half or so. Taking the whole damn summer off, though. YES!! Now, if only I'd win the lottery, all would be good (ha)
I've been cheating on SG I admit. I got my facebook page up and running finally and I've been in touch with...
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Good luck this week... and I will be happy to split that Lotto with ya wink
I get a lot of Friend request on Facebook. I have decided that if people don't write me a note along with the friend request I don't friend them. The Today Show a few months back had their 'internet experts' on stating that for every 125 virtual friends someone has they have 1 friend in the real world.... So about 60 more virtual friends and should get me a real world one wink
The whole summer off? That's great.

Sorry I'm MIA these days. Last three weeks of school--and I'm swamped with work. Since I read and write for a living (nonstop these days), I've only been around here to look at the pictures.... blush

I'll catch up with everyone soon. Miss ya. (send pictures of something that requires little to no reading and I'll gladly look! ) wink
I don't know if you celebrate Easter. Either way, I hope you had a good day.
I just read that MDF is resigning as leader of the Geezers group. If he sticks to his decision, there's a need to replace him. I nominated you. I hope you don't mind my doing so.
I am having a weird week. Just to make it more fun--feel free to imagine a weird week for me below..... surreal
Not to worry. Take care of your personal business before tending to anything involving me.
I still can't come up with anything wierd enough
but at least I've learned how to spell it. smile
My new tattoo itches. No surprise there, since it is my 6th, but still. I just thought everyone needed to know that.

So--why is it I have no problems getting tattoos, can watch with fascination while a nurse draws my blood, but when hubby had to get the tweezers out yesterday to remove a small, mean-spirited splinter from my thumb, that pain gets to me...
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Ha, I'd almost do that if there wasn't already a russian skapunk band by the name of Distemper. And they're good friends of friends. So that would be odd. smile

Ha ha !
Death by tweezers !

I hope you guys are doing well.
Weren't you thinking of coming down this way soon ? What ever happened with that ?
The Tattoo convention was definitely the highlight of my Spring Break. I got to interview Crazy Eddie (Philly Eddie) who is one of the famous old guys who started what they used to call tattoo shows. He's a real character. All kinds of other interviews, and just plain freak show type fun. I loved it. More details later!
Otherwise, I've had to get up early...
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I find it interesting when you said that you haven't been around here much because of being in a bad mood. For me it's like, when I'm not feeling well, it's hard to get myself on here. On the other hand, If I force myself to post stuff, I feel better. Is that a reverse of a "catch 22"?
biggrin kiss
Those are good anecdotes. Used my best Forrest Gump voice. tongue
While he did lift most of his plots, how he turned the stories is
glorious. PBS had a language program quite awhile back and
credited Shakespeare with Inventing >5,000 words. So we do
owe him a great deal.
How soon until we can see the new Ink?
So---Cool stuff. First of all, I'm done with my classes for the week and now officially on Spring Break. Teachers Gone Wild--Whoo Hooo. (That comment usually comes with me pulling my shirt up and flashing you, but gravity is having its way with my boobs these days, plus I'm wearing a really old, ugly bra...)
Second--I'm officially covering the Philly Tattoo Convention this coming weekend...
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Now that's exciting! Being a Gezeer and 'Popping a Cherry".
Keep up the good work.
Have fun on your Spring Break.

Stupid gravity tongue

Hope you are doing well at the tattoo convention. Can wait to hear about it and possible see your new tatttoo!
Have a fantastic weekend.
So--as some of you know--Boss (a photog on SG and suicide boy group leader--who was zotted from the site not so long ago for rather ambiguous reasons) is moving to our town here in South Jersey. Actually, to our house. He needed a change and he and Neo are good buddies. He came for a visit for two weeks around Christmas, and decided to move...
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The webcam does help. While it's not close to a substitute for being with them in person, it's better than being without it.

It's nice to hear from you, as always.

i wasnt looking for sympathy

it was all pleasant, after all my eggs were lovely

i havent had health insurance that worked in 10 years or so, so i was excited to get him to rub finger my scrotum

no complaints here, nothing cold or invasive whatsoever in my papi smear

I wrote out a list of things I need to do this weekend, just because I like making lists and will--inevitably--forget something if I don't write it down.

My list coverd two pages, both front and back and on regular size printer paper and with normal size handwriting. I even had half of one page split into two columns.

That just plain sucks. frown frown frown
Thanks for picking up my spirits. Mae-Ann is so caring. Knowing my finances, she doesn't want either a Valentine's or a b'day gift. I do plan to take her for a medium priced dinner whether she likes it or not. We'll go back to my place after and probably watch a movie. Lovemaking would normally be on the menu on a generic Saturday night. I'm not sure how I'll feel about that tonight, what with my mixed emotions.

As I wrote that last sentence, I had a thought. If my wife is reading about my ambivalence to have sex tonight (and I want to believe that she is), she's probably having a good laugh. I just know that she's thinking that this is the first time in my life that I was even considering passing up sex.

Have a great day.

smothered in your kisses

what a wonderful way to go
