Some people are fuckin idiots.

I had a pretty solid weekend, though. We're playing tomorrow at the Anchor (935 State Line KCMO). I'm so fucking excited. We haven't played in way too long!

Damn it, I have to miss KRS-one. That sucks.

I can't wait to sit around and look at naked chicks for an hour to catch up. I keep not having time to hang out here

This weekend should be fun, eh?

I am so behind on photosets. Shit, dude.

SPRING BREAK 2006 wasn't as cool as it coulda been, but it was so fucking fun.

When I say it wasn't as good as it coulda been, I mean there wasn't a road trip. Basically.

My friends are amazing. And hooray for the new venue, The Anchor.

Fun fun fun!

how are you little?
I just watched the first episode of the new season of the Sopranos with my parents, and I almost threw up I was crying so hard.

My mom looked at me really concerned and just said "Honey, you don't get to watch this show anymore"

Should I be embarrassed at how effected I get at shit like movies or music etc? I mean, come on....
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I've officially been accepted to three schools, waiting to hear from 4 more, and still have to apply to 1.

This is exciting stuff, but first: TOUR!
<3 GO LIBBY!!!

I should, when my friend david moves up here I wanna do something with him. Cause I heart his music.

He said he'd helpme write songs hehe

That's awesome. And as far as tour goes, that's awesome too.
They played "bitch", a sticky fingers beautiful song!! oooh i almost cried. was so intense to heard them so near singin, i felt they were singin to me.. was hard, cause im very very small, and between 60.000 people, is difficult mami!!! but i get mad to resist, smile , even when my lungs seemed like they were going to give up..
fuck the rolling stones are part of my soul, YOU know what i mean,...

your pictures are incredibly beautiful too, i love them, i saw them a couple of times.. and you, baby, your lips rocks.

besitos para ti, mueca. miao!!
and sorry about my english. blush
I'm definitely supposed to be writing a 12 page paper. I'm on page 4 and I've run out of words.

In other news: It's fucking March!
wow! wonderful flyer! YOU HAVE TO upload some pics of you and your band!!

about the r.s., i think `Between The Buttons is my very fav album. i love each song!.. anyway the first 10 albums are fuckin great.
they didnt play a lot of good-good songs
blackeyed , but was amazing anyway.
to see that kind of bands, to me, is a fundamental step in life. tongue

by the way, how are dear?
Good show tonight, too bad I couldn't stick around to see The Blackouts and Born to Lose. I want to go to the show on Saturday really bad, but The Skate-O Masochists are playing in Punk Wars, and seeing as they are my friends, I kinda gotta go cheer them on.

[Edited on Mar 01, 2006 7:53AM]
I got accepted to MCAD (Minneapolis) and I'm totally stoked.

I deal with bullshit. I also dish it out. Anyone who says they don't dish out bullshit is only lying to themselves. A lot of it could be avoided, and easily.

I feel like I have too much on my plate in general. But I also feel like I don't.

I went record shopping after...
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I can't find my Descendents record!!!
Lets see. The last one I saw you at that I can think of was they DIY record release show, which you guys played. I don't know. I went to Punk Wars the last few weeks to watch the Skate-O Masochists play (good friends of mine), and then Idiot Box last saturday. I know we introduced ourselves to each other at a Skate-O Masochists/Outlaws/Hudson Falcons show at the MoMo a few months ago. My name is Chris, by the way. I think I was wearing a black cowboy shirt with red roses on the shoulders, which, coincidentally, I'm wearing now.
I'll come out, just let me know. I'll bring Chris Masochist with me. And no, I didn't get a comp. I need to pick one up, but I have no idea where to get them. The tracks all came out really well on it, though, it's a great record. (I heard it over at Chris Masochist's).

By the way, who is it that's playing this show you're booking?
Fuckin people. Caring about how they look on the stupid internet too much. If you're getting paid for it, it's different. But if you're not, and you put that much damn energy into it...

It's fucking depressing. What do you actually do with yourself?
We're starting to think about the next tour with Dick Cheney's Dick. Fuuuuck yeah, tour will be exactly what I need this summer.

The van will live again!


PS- Gogo's video is amazing. I can't wait for the rest of the Italian videos.
Sure is, I don't shoot anything but analog
Glad you liked it
I shot that with my Pentax K1000, 50mm lens, 100 iso Kodak vc film