So happy to have met a fun and motivational fitness coach in Los Angeles to help me get my abs back and rock out some sexy shoots for you all. Still at the beginning of this journey but im excited to see how my body transforms and sculpts. ❤️


I got to shoot with my best friend @ravencamp last week and it made me so happy to be able to just do some silly shots. I am so lucky to have a talented friend who likes me enough to fly cross country and shoot pictures of me in an open "warehouse" studio. Love you bunches Ray. Be sure to check out his work in
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:-) <3

I wanted you all to see my starting point. I am on my way to sculpting my abs back. I used to be ripped when I was cheering and in college but once I had surgery in December, it's been hard to get back to working out as hard as I was. So this is my testament to you all, I WILL get my abs
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Good luck :) You're still pretty damn fit!

Hey guys! As you know, I recently moved to Los Angeles, CA. I am about to take my cosmetology exam to be licensed to work in a salon. But as of right now, I have a decent amount of time to take personal clients for hair and make up appointments. I do my own hair in my apartment with a full vanity set up and
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I never used to like my body, and still I struggle with appreciating every angle, curve, or bump that I see. But since I have taken it upon myself to break free of the chains and voices in my head, I have found such comfort in walking around in only my undies. It feels freeing to just lay on my floor in barely anything. When
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So I have a situation. I met this guy about a year and a half ago in Baltimore at a pop punk show. He is close with my ex-boyfriend/friends band that was playing at the show and afterwards he drummed on tour with them. I started following him on Instagram for some reason or other and we both started liking and commenting on each other's...
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I agree! You'll never know until you go, but you have to have real expectations and just take the trip for whatever it is. Don't go with false hopes, just let whatever happens happen, and focus on having a great vacation in Colorado! And if things go amazing, you can be pleasantly surprised... If they crash and burn, you just go back to California and chalk it up to life experiences.
If you don't go you will never know so GO ! And like you say it will be good for you to get away from work anyway.

Living in LA without a roommate or family nearby, has been kinda difficult. I moved out here not knowing the area, the people, or really myself. But luckily I got to bring my best friend, my cuddle bug, my partner in crime. He's there every night to welcome me home from work and sleeps in the curve of my torso, snoring unbelievably loud and kicking
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