Moved into my new flat! Hurrah!

I own way too many books and am currently deciding whether I need two bookcases or three.

Last night my new flat-mates took me out for a welcome-drink which ended up as a big session where I got introduced to Magners cider. I haven't drunk cider since I was about 15 and in a park trying to snog girls...
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Well of course I would have come to The Powers for a Magners, although my usual in there is a Staropramaen and a shot of sambuca. But alas! I am addicted to House (Hugh Laurie Dr series in the US) and am unable to move from my sofa until I have finished my DVD collection. 22 down, 2 to go. Another time though. biggrin
So what do you do without a soul? Is it truly awful? kiss kiss
ha ha i like being a link !!
New Year, new subscription to SG after over two years absence. But hey, there wasn't really time to argue about politics and look at beautiful girls when I was in South America.

Now, I am a suit in a city, I can have a secret night-time lifestyle. It is a plan based on financial sense. London life is damn expensive- if I get bored and...
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No, I've never heard that before.

Sloan was my favorite band in 9th grade... That's where it comes from, in my case specifically. I added an E to make it more feminine.
Hey, I like your profile pic- but then I'm a bit of a horsey person. smile

I'm with you on the internet saving you from London expense... and I'd like to know more about the corporate slave thing. Is all too easy to fall into, is it not?

Thanks for the comment - so nice to find a new one on my set when it's been up for a while! kiss kiss kiss
My first day on SG after a very long absence.

I might as well start 2006 as I mean to go on.