Since I really feel the need to post and since no one is online and posting yet - I am doing the Katie thing and posting my previous entry inside this one. Here it is as a spoiler so you can iopt to view it or not:

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

Most people do not know about the problem I have with getting to places....
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happy birthday man!

hope your first day of work goes good and that you get things situated between your job and school. we cant have you stressing out like you are!

i'm completely exhausted, so i will read tomorrow! but i hope you have an amazing day sweetie!!! kiss
Most people do not know about the problem I have with getting to places. If I cannot find a place (especially a place I ahve been before) - I start having an anxiety attack. Then I canot figure out where I am and I try in vain to find the place I was looking for. It doesnt help when, in the back of your mind...
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Right now im getting ready to take a nap from math.... been working on some of the review for the test.

The way things are going with the class is discouraging: this time we were given 6 TLEs to do within a week, and instructor opts to teach a portion of it TODAY -- knowing full well that today is the review for the test...
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well good luck with getting your math done and your job orientation today! hopefully you'll be able to make it out to the brew later tonight! ya gonna dress up if ya do?
I finally figured out how to get that cellphone case black. Only one prob: I had to buy stuff that either 1) had stuff in it I wont ever need or 2) I bought too many.

I still have math to do ... and its is a royal pain in the butt.

then again, im tired as all heck...

well, Im gonna go to sleep......
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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They can't take Scrubs away from me!!!!! frownfrownfrown
well if ya make it to the brew saturday night, ill even buy ya a couple drinks!
I have to do math tonight-- hopefully I will wake up later to be able to do it all.

2 days ago, I rec'd the cell phone cover I had ordered. The whole story is:

Ordered BLACK cellphone cover on Oct 7th. Waqs supposed to (at the latest - by my place by the 17th).

Got BLACK cover on the 17th -- however, it was...
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you should TRY to come to Punk Nite for a lil while on saturday!!!
I went to the clinic yesterday--- they ned to do some work on me to find out whast is wrong .

Anyways.... anything going on this weekend? I know I *might* stop up at the troy halloween store if i remember to get there ( i somtimes forget)

Other than that - I havent heard anything about this weekend.


Hey I'm dog setting and spending tonight with my cousin! Mike is in Texas, and I'm not sure what ol' Jake will do..he might be doing flyers in Dayton! I'll e-mail you my new cell phone number!
I'm sitting home, since I have no gas to go anywhere or do anything now.
Im looking forward to tomorrow (thursday): Assuming I can locate the dr office, I will be able to see a doctor tomorrow and find out (either way) what is going on with my system.

Its first come, first serve --and they open at 6pm -- so hopefully I will be able to find it.

The mother cat and kittens have been around today. Its really...
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Well I hope all goes well tomorrow! The place is on 25-A towards Troy.. it's actually pretty easy to find!! And do you still want me to come and get the cat and kittens?
awesome vid!
My sleeping has become off and on -- I can be awake for a bit -- then I hit that major tired mode, and need to sleep for a few hours.. its an up and down routine.

The cats have started acting a bit odd. I stopped feeding them canned food and instead have been feeding them the hard food that comes in bags. I...
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A nationwide group of tattoed promotional models that attend tattoo conventions, bike rallies, events, etc.
Best part: I don't have to get naked! (unless i wanna)
Im back from taking my math test. Instructor needed to keep the notebooks since he didnt have time to grade them- but that is ok.

I think I figured out names for the kitties... the one that keeps rushing in to the apartment .. I think he(or she) is a "Speedy"
The other kitty seems a bit scared a lot of times ... so he/she's...
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Hey sorry I didn't get back to you..I hardly ever use Yahoo. my ISP is AOL..so I use AOL more then I do anything..cause I'm always on it.. however..I'm always hiding.. so if you have AIM, or plan on getting it let me know so I can add you to my list (a whole 4 people) who can see when I"m online.. most of the time..lol)
heehee I totally SHOULD read cards!
Did you ever have a weekend where you wanted to completely avoid your math homework - especially right before a test on Monday? Well, I have been feeling that thi weekend and it is biting me in the butt (or at least it will if I dont figure out how to make me motorvated asap)

So, while I am procrastinating I figured this is a...
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The cat and kittens are gone?? Huh..I didn't take them..lol.. I was going to see when you wanted me to come and get them.. but I may not have to now!!

It was fun this weekend..and I really liked Foys!!
it was cool hanging out this weekend, sure wish i could have another chance to go back to Foys cause i sure love that place! and you forgot to say you saw Dr. Creep!!!