when the temperature is below zero for a while you kind of get used to it. then one day it warms up, and 8 degrees is pleasant dog walking weather...
I love the cold! Sounds like fun!
there is nothing like winter in alaska to put a human being in their insignificant place.

my parents live about 2 hours from me. the drive isn't bad but the cold, the beauty, the fact that a flat tire in the wrong place at the wrong time could lead to me, and my little family freezing to death, definitely makes me realize how fragile the...
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it's madness. really it is, and this is; the way it is.

i proudly voted for obamma. he hasn't failed but, this guy, this guy right here, is far from impressed. however before the money machine, chewed, swallowed, and then burped up obamma, he did improve the u.s. world image. for a bit but, god damn he can talk... anyway..

i want to thank newt....
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today is wed., dec., 7. we, (here in alaska) will have 5 hours, 42 minutes of daylight. mmmm... it's dark out. a lot.
so, i have lived in out of alaska since i was 10 years old.

today is the first time in a long time where the weather in this state is living up to it's reputation. it's 11 degrees. that fact alone is not bad but coupled with the wind chill which right now makes it around 25 degrees below 0 well... it's nasty outside my...
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bah! so cold...crazy pants tongue
so, for those of you who don't live in alaska this probably isn't a big deal. my wife who lived in southern california for like 8 years was not all that impressed but, there is a movie being filmed up here called frozen ground. nick cage, and john kusak are doing a movie about a serial killer that did a bunch of bad things up...
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i took my dog for a walk last night. on our way home we walk on an unpaved street that people can't drive up and down. it's quiet and there is about 3 acres of mostly undeveloped property on one side near the end. this is the neighbor hood moose camp ground and bird sanctuary.

last night there was 4 ravens, 3 magpies, and one...
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it's just there

it's always
line behind me
hanging quietly
in the shadow
a street light
the words
true lust
i want to
fuck it
i want to
pour a bottle
on it
light a match
watch the ink
bleed through
the flames
suck down
the smoke
chew it
spit it out...
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fuck sarah palin. she ruined alaska.

alaska was the place where outlaws came to die. it is the place where there is enough true nature left that animal ancestors still hold sway. it's the last place with enough space to still get away with something....

what alaska did not need was a sell out, self consumed bitch to put a spotlight on the last good...
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i got way too drunk last night. i wish there was a pill that would make my head feel smaller.
it's been so long since i've had sex that i can make myself cum just by playing with my nipple piercings is that weird? or just sad?