found a girl i would acctualy love to date. Which is great and all cause it means I am getting over all the crap that happend to me, but she is extrealy reluctant to date anybody right now. I understand that perfectly, I'm not in a hurry to start a serious relationship just yet either. I guess this means that I will have to take...
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hummm.. I know who you are talking about smile Your right she is a great person! That party was great and I know that jake had a blast so thank you so much for letting us have it at your place love I think that you and this girl your talking about could have a good chance together and your right timing is key. and what Ferretbite has said makes perfect sense. I love you dear! Have a good week ohh and Congrats on the new job! You deserve it! love
where have you been? lmao! shocked
Well school starts today. Thats going to be fun, but I guess the good thing is that including this semester I only have 3 more semesters to go. So I'm in the home streatch of school. Thankgod.

As for anything else going on. I'm back to playing WoW. I know its sad, but I got nothing better to do. I dont have a fiance anymore,...
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Yes i am so proud of you and Jake you guys are almost done.. and I thank God for This too.. of course it wont be long until im the one in school and hes not.. anyhow... WoW is an ok thing i suppose.. It actually looks pretty interesting... tho id not allow myself to play cuz i cant be sucked in! ohh and you know im here if you ever need me as well as jake.. I understand about the apartment thing cuz i used to live in one alone... and it does kind of close you up.. Let us know we can all go and do something sometime love
You're so lucky, I wish I was almost done with school.

I would offer suggestions on fun stuff to do, but all I ever do is go see free movies.
The sg dixie bbq was fun. If ya didn't make it ya missed out. hopefully we can do it again soon!
i wish i had known about it! i would have really went to it smile
woo hoo. my band finaly go one of our real demo song up on myspace. It sounds pretty good. now we just have to get the other recorded. fun stuff there.
classes are finally over with for the semester. Yes its great. I'm bored out of my mind, but thats a good thing to me. I need it I think. lol.

Oh my band is also recording for the winter break. should be some good stuff. hopefully. We layed down the scratch track and the drums and im already excited.
love You deserve the break! I know that Jake will be happy to have one! Im glad that your band is getting to do that you guys have such talent! I wish i had an off day to come visit with you guys my next schedule I will not plan so many work days i just need the xmas money! I got Jake the New Final Fantasy Game for playstation, the Game Prey for his X-box 360 that his parents are getting him and a Silent HIll comic book he wanted.. IM just so glad i can finally get him something he will like!
smile sorry i missed it! i bet you guys did awesome! have a great turkey day!! love bok
sexy pix!
my band has a show this sat. woo hoo. I'm excited. Its our last one till 2007, so hopefully there will be a good turn out. We are going to take the holidays to write some new, more intricate, and heavy, but still sorrow stuff. Yep I'm going to drink and play this weekend, it will be the first time I can have some realy...
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hey man thanks, good luck with ur show, from the looks of ur pics seems like ya'll will rock pretty hard.
smile Good luck with your show man! smile

Do you guys have a website or a myspace profile for your band? I'd like to hear you guys.
I hate my teacher! Not only did we have a test last week in a class that only meets once a week, but we have a test this week too. So thats two test in a row. Then she informs me tuesday that my project that is due on the 16th, thats next week is due after the test today. So I have had to...
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Things are good. I feel almost dirty or something though biggrin I'm not a materialistic type of person but I'm lovin this big screen I just got! Its awsome. I cant wait to get off work to smoke pot and play video games love hehehe Have a good weekend man! smile
aww im sorry aussie frown i love you tho! love
my band played at a party last night and it was fun, one of the best parties i have been to in a while. Beautiful_Lie was there with jake, and the roadie from my band, all the other people there i didnt know and were a good bit older than me. which was the only downside to the party, kinda wished more people my age...
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shocked LMAO!! Aussie if jake says its ok I will do it again just for you smile Im sorry that i missed you guys getting to play... but we got soo lost lol! We had fun tho.. what was with the if you show me yours i'll show you mine stuff? Talk to you later dear I love you to death love
sorry i wasn't there wink