Yesterday was pretty bad, and today hasn't started off too well, either.

On the 20th I started taking half the dose of Wellbutrin I had been taking, as I discussed with my psychiatrist, in the hopes of eventually not taking any. Everything seemed to be going fine until yesterday. I noticed early in the day that I was kind of hyper, which is never a...
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I think the new name suits you more; "rollerdisco" seems more 1970s, like... uhh, me, for instance! And it is a really neat pic.
I am also a Computer Science major, but at my school the CompSci program gives you a Bachelor of Engineering, so our classes are tailored "for engineers" - two words which I have grown to despise. wink

I also love programming, which is why I went into this major. Funny story, I used to work in healthcare billing ( puke ), and while I was working there, to pass the time I started programming a MUD. One day it dawned on me, "Hey, if I do this for fun, perhaps I should do it for a living.", so here I am. As a matter of fact, at this very minute I'm working on teaching myself some C#.. wink

Once I get my degree from this school, I'm going to head straight for grad school (fingers crossed for MIT) where I'm going to focus in Artificial Intelligence; my life's goal is to make a major contribution in this field (and maybe pick up a Nobel prize or something.. wink ).
So I've been dealing with a rash of spam accounts registering for my Annie forum. I think the spam bots have been signing up for at least a month now, but I was too busy with school (and too disinterested blackeyed ) to give it any attention.

Now that school's over, I've had time to go through and delete all of those spam accounts. I...
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I'll register for that forum some time.... I think I'm dillying around a bit too much online today!
I'm done with my finals, so the semester is officially over. I passed the database class!! I got a C-, which is officially the lowest possible passing grade. blackeyed But I passed! I took the theory class final on Tuesday and I really think I failed that class. frown The exam was much harder than I expected, and I had a panic attack throughout, to boot. frown I...
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That kid is a tenacious little bugger, strutting around like he owns the place. Kids these days. Or, um, those days. confused
Where is the Come Together forum?
I think I've said this before, but I used to think the Internet was a lot different from real life, in terms of being social and meeting people. It is different, to a degree, but I've found that I get ignored, and occasionally attacked, just as much as I do in real life, if not more. I am able to talk a lot more freely...
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Good luck on your exams!!!! Heck, you might be taking one right now! Crossin' my fingers for ya'!

I tend to stay away from the boards. They seem to be a pretty noisy place. Not sure I've ever had a comment replied to but then again, I rarely go back to find out. (Plus, it's always possible that you'll get a ton of replies in five years or somethin'.) Anyway, I've found that the groups are a much better place to meet people. That and trolling through the comments in my friends' journals. biggrin

Your mom's singing bear is cute! Although, I've now got that song permanently stuck in my head. But why you gotta' be dissin' the hip-hoppin' frog, yo?

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

Just kiddin'. That frog is totally lame.

To my mind, the boards are a huge waste of time. Groups are where it's at!
Mom bought this singing, dancing Christmas bear from CVS last year. She was going to donate it to a toy drive at work, but she decided she liked it too much to give to some stupid kids. (I felt kinda bad about that.) I actually like it, too, when I rarely like singing, dancing toys. This one is just wholesome and cute, rather than cheesy,...
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I used to eat a lot of Boca burgers. Always used the skillet. This year, I mostly made turkey burgers.

I completed that 4-star sudoku on Friday night. I took it with me to the Plants show at Acme, and got it done fairly quickly, during the first band (of 3).

I will prob put up a poem in my Journal soon. I just want to warn you since it's kinda drrrty, and I know you don't go for that sort of thing and might want to skip it... but I don't think it's very dirty. It's ridiculous, humorous, with a lascivious bent. The way I normally write poems is 1) I think of something silly and stupid, 2) I think up weird words and proper nouns to throw in, 3) I try to use puns, alliteration, consonance, and odd rhyme schemes. Seriously, I think that describes the last 10 poems I've written. I'm incapable of writing about serious subject matter. It's always something goofy, with odd celebs, athletes, and place names thrown in.
Oh, I need to add another edit in my Journal appendix- part of my poem is taken from Berke Breathed, from an ollllld Bloom County strip.
Dunno if I mentioned the crazy sudokus to you in hte local papers; there is one where sides of the squares are greater-than/ less-than symbols and you have to solve them accordingly, by putting a greater or lesser number in hte adjacent square... then there are the ones with + and - values in the corner with a number. They give you no numbers to start with, you have to figure out which numbers go where via the amount they are + or - the neighbor squares.

I'm not doing any of those type anytime soon. I'm happy with the regular ones.

You can message me the article address or cut/paste in a message, either way. Thanks!
This is so weird, people. Everything is blurry. I've known for the last couple of months that my vision is no longer perfect, but that doesn't make it any less strange that things that were once crisp and clear in my eyes are now squiggly and fuzzy. blackeyed

But it's OK. I have wanted to need glasses for a long time. I guess Superman answered...
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I had the same thing happen to my eyes about six years ago. My vision was never perfect, but it suddenly degraded exponentially in a matter of days. So much so that I was concerned that I was losing my vision.

I've only ever broken one pair of glasses in the past six years, and it was a result of a child jumping on my head while I was laying down. I fall asleep with my glasses on constantly, but I often wake up to them neatly folded on my nightstand. Go subconscious!
Well, all the Wii version does is replace button pushes with slashes, shakes and thrusts. Just wave the GC controller around when you play and you're there. biggrin
So we got our grades for the database project today. My partner and I didn't do as well as I'd hoped. We got 15.5 out of 20. We got 9 out of 10 on the smaller programming project. My professor emailed me, apparently right after he posted the project grades, to tell me that I just need to get 9 points out of 25 on...
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Hello person who does not know me, I'm in ur profilez commenting on ur picz!
I am in LOVE with your little Link profile pic!
Do you have the new Zelda on the Wii?
I hear you on the not affording part frown
Do you have Game Cube? The new Twilight Princess is coming out very soon!
It's making me ALMOST want a Game Cube wink
I feel much more confident that I can pass my classes now.

My professor for the theory class announced at the end of class today that he is giving one student a make up exam because this student is afraid he is in danger of failing. So, the professor offered this make-up test to everyone else, and considering my score of 46 out of 100...
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biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss love love love love love thank you!!! kiss kiss kiss kiss

Its hard to do that when you have to go to work though and i feel guilty calling in jst for having a cold. people at work were like "hey are you losing your voice? NO it sounds like this all the time" tongue yes those are direct quotes people are so dumb whatever my next days off arient until wed and thur hopefully itll be gone by then wink kiss
Hey, thanks for noticing my birthday!

You may have noticed my lack of activity on the site. Anyways, my account is closing today, and I just wanted to say thanks for being a cool online buddy. And good luck with your finals at school.
Earthbound is the scariest game I have ever played. Maybe that's an exaggeration. But that game is scary!

I hear Shigesato Itoi based Pokey's dialogue during the final boss fight on his experience of accidentally walking into a porn cinema when he was a kid, during a rape scene.

The graphics are creepy to me, as is the music, both of which are throwbacks to...
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I checked out some of the screen shots for Battle of Olympus. Looks almost identical to Zelda II! eeek I catch myself thinking that I might enjoy the game play with the different mythology (er, so to speak). Perhaps the Zelda story and the side-scrolling environment just don't jive very well.

Glad to hear you're back on track with school, even if things are rough. Got any plans for after graduation? I actually applied for a job at UofMD a while back. Drove my ass all the way up from NC for the interview, but they ended up doing an internal hire. Not sure I would have loved the job anyway, but I would've been nice to save the gas money.
HA!!! I totally remember that!!!!!

I tried sudoku for the first time and thought of you. Boy do I suck at it.
My partner and I finished the project due today and now I have a nice, worry-free weekend ahead of me. No assignments, no upcoming tests.

The project was to simulate a database program that could run two types of commands. My partner and I each did one of the commands. My command was to merge two sets of data together that share a common attribute....
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That is awesome about the worry-free weekend and about your therapist's decreased price. How cool is that? Your therapist must really care about you to do that.

There are good people in this world. You just have to find them and stick with them (easier said than done, I know).

I'll tell you where you can find one good person at this very moment. That person is you. wink
That was cool!!! We both commented in each other's journals at the same time. I didn't see your comment until after I was done in your journal.

Very cool.
I don't understand what motivates catty behavior in girls (or guys, for that matter). It has always seemed to me that some girls act as if they're out to "get" their "competitors". Whatever that means. It is just a concept I can't seem to grasp (not that I want to).

I don't understand why sex is such a big deal to some people. I mean,...
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I'm not sure what to say about the sucky parts of SG, or the sucky-acting people, other than I glance at them for a bit and then go to Friends's Journals, MySpace, LiveJournal, or Channel101....

Hope the CVS site worked for you eventually. I just used it, and hmmmmm the closest one to me is in Reno Nevada? Guess I'm going to stick with Rite Aid and Walgreen's.

Best luck to ya.
My theory about cattiness among women comes about mostly from human nature to be #1. In our evolved, civilized society, simply beating someone up (or having one's caveman partner beat someone up) is terribly gauche, not to mention illegal. So what's left? That's right, cattiness. It's a game of one-upsmanship when physical alternatives are unavailable.

Your non-understanding of what drives people to strangeness about their sexuality is, perhaps, not too unusual. After all, there are whole university departments dedicated to the study of human sexuality. It's not a failing to not "get" something you yourself are not immersed in. It's really no different than understanding the depths of peoples' interest and dedication to, say, Harry Potter fanfiction, video games, sports or church activities. Unless you are involved in those communities to begin with, you're an outsider.

Think about it: do you really understand why so many people (mostly guys) huddle around a screen watching groups of men try to move a pigskin 10 yards at a time? Why they can tell you stats about the quarterback's history of completing a pass when playing against Team X on grass at Saturday afternoons when the wind is blowing out of the NNE at 5 mph? You probably think they're weird. Do you think they understand why you play video games, know more about Link than most people and make Link mosaics out of post-its on your wall? They probably think you're weird. It's just a matter of what interests each of us.

You've mentioned a few times now about feeling a bit detatched from Internet communities, SG included. I wonder if you haven't just considered the fact that it's only the medium that's changed, not human nature. Internet communities are merely reflective of the broader society at large, with the ability for people all around the world to congregate to talk about their favourite and obscure interests. If you're an introvert, like us, these congregations don't make sense most of the time. 'Why would you possibly gather to talk about that?' we wonder. Well, people just do. And the Internet reflects that. Just like we wouldn't join a knitting circle, or other social club that exists in meatspace, we similarly don't get people who congregate online to do the same thing.

SG, being so large, is merely a microcosm of the larger Internet, if initially predicated around alt-goth-punk pin-up girls. You get all sorts here. Not to sound too much like a therapist, but why dwell on the things that you don't understand? The cattiness, the girl worshipping, the groups that you have no interest in joining? You have friends here, you have groups you follow and are interested in those -- why not just enjoy those?

In other words, why get upset about the things you have absolutely no control over? They're always going to be there and you're just going to make yourself miserable thinking about all the 'I-don't-get-this' things that, believe me, exist offline as they do on here.

Just my 2 cents.

(Sorry for the spam)
I have spent my weekend editing and writing limericks for the OEDILF (which, for those of you who don't know, is a project to define every word in the English language in limerick form). Here is one of mine that I am particularly proud of. The big word is pronounced KRIS-uh-BER-ul. No video this time, but hopefully tomorrow I can take another video and read...
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biggrin thats a really good one!!!

I like it! biggrin biggrin biggrin kiss kiss kiss

oooh cant wait for the video shocked shocked eeek eeek
I just hope that one day my limerick writing skills will be on par with yours. Hopefully my workload will diminish over these coming weeks so I can start making some OEDILF contributions.

I'm also trying to work out a riddle in limerick form for the Puzzles & Games group. Should be fun. biggrin