The Wildflower triathlon's olympic distance: 1.5K swim, 40K bike, 10K run.

But I had to get there first.
Annually held up in the hills of Paso Robles, CA, its one of the more famous triathlons in the country, especially w/the collegiate championships. They also do a long course thats about a half-Ironman distance (1.2m Swim, 56m Bike, 13.1m Run). That and its a big campout...
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You da man. I think about hoppin on my bike everyday when I am at work but by the time I get home the only thing I feel like ridin is the couch.
congrats on the race dude!! my grandparents live in paso robles. i will in fact be up there the friday and saturday before the evil eddy party.
glad your experience was over all good!
ooo aaa
Wild Miles 2006

183 mile relay. High altitude desert. 95+ degrees.
Can I say fun?

Walking into this race, I was surprised to find there were only half the number of teams from the previous year, only 50. Hmm, last year's 115 F heat musta scared them off. As it twas, it was down to our NaClicious running team vs. the almighty LA frontrunners (a...
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how did it go? i got my internet working finally : )
we missed you at shannon's on sat, it was fun. i got sick from the jello shots though and vaguely remember stumbling home and having the worst night of sleep ever. no more alkeeehall for this girl!
ooo aaa
Boston Marathon 2006

Anne, Tim, Psycho Dave and I flew into Boston Sat night, welcomed by more brick buildings than I could have ever imagined. Seriously, you don't see that much brick out west cuz it'd all fall down; that and all of it's seriously old. Waaaayyy older than old. Though I haven't been to Europe yet. I hear thats old.

So since the race...
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The weirdest part is that, even with 8 trucks responding including the hazmat unit, they didn't evacuate. Some unnamed person in our group left some highly volatile solvent spilled all over the general area of the new solvent still, necessitating the help of hazmat guys with a very soft touch and very big, absorbent towels.

No tutu for the 'thon?
Chafage becomes an issue between a 5k sprint and a 40+k race.
Plans are underway for a sequel to our last triathlon shenannigans.
Its out w/the shag and in w/the $bling$, as we rock the ghetto fab in our triathlon takeover bid. We're going big here, and planning on takin' it to the next level.

Olympic distance, oh yeah.
That's twice the swim, twice the bike, and twice the run.....that's twice the opportunity rock it reallllll heavy....
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you are rockin' that march mustache in the pic : )
Bringin' the bling to the tri scene

My friend Tim and I left a campground from celebrating my friend Megan's birthday at 3:30am Sunday morning to drive up to Oxnard, of all places, to do our first triathlon. So already we were in peachy-keen condition, but that didn't hinder us, oh no.

You see, we were there to have fun.

Fuck the wetsuit, I was...
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Redox Bomb

Well, the science I'm a rockin' but the japanese took me to town. The protection worked fine, my product a big ol' translucent crystal, and easily acylates and oxidizes to that sweet, sweet aldehyde. I gots it running in a test olefination w/yonder stablized ylide, and it looks like its takin' to it just fine. So all that leaves me is making up...
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wooo hoooo! you will love V
For the geeks

I have finally conquered a protecting group dilemma that has been plaguing my synthesis for a month!
Kinda funny, too. Had some material lying around that has been giving me nothing but pain, and decided to let it ride on a test reaction. Not only did it go to completion, but now I have 2.5 g of this protected amine on hand....
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ooo aaa
chem monkey extraordinaire ; )
I'm in for a hurtin'.

Hit up the dragon lounge monthly last night till the wee hours, get little rest and back into work on a Saturday morning.

And Saturday evening is How Sweet It Is, an LA tradition that I always knew of, and made fun of, and now find myself going out to, hehe. At least the line up is quite nice:
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Triple threat ice cream madness

Ran three reactions Friday, alla who's crude spectra came out absolutely clean and pristine today. And the yields were great, too. How often does that happen? Clearly some organic karma is flowing my way.

So to mix good news w/a little caloric goodness, I whipped out the heavy cream, milk, eggs, vanilla, and sugga (alla which just happened to be...
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She blinded me with science!

Sorry, that's all I could think of, the Thomas Dolby song, when I read that you made cryo-ice cream.


Actually, I'd like to bring a tank of N2 to the playa. I shouldn't have any trouble procuring one. I'd have to think about how much volume I would want to bring, since its about as expensive as milk, but if you're buying 100+ gallons.....thats a lot of ice cream. But just picture it:

Hot as fu*k, deep deep playa checking out art. Wouldn't ice cream be nice right now? Then some nutcase in an art car rolls up and offer to make you some in less than 5 min. Your choice of flavor.

One of those, only on the playa moments.

Would I be a good boy and write my japanese composition last night to turn in today? Need I ask? That lure of a new deep dish cast-iron pan lent itself to the creation of a most wonderful boeuf burguignon, aka beef stew. Had Cyndie over for this, a traditional french recipie if there ever was one, trying to mix the pickiest eater I've...
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This class assignment of yours is like some unholy Venn diagram crossover of all the separate spheres in one's life.