Great song.
Anyone in the SF Bay Area going to this show tonight? Maybe I will see you there...

THE MUSIC OF THIS MORTAL COIL - A Tribute Featuring vocalists of Halou, Stripmall Architecture, Claire Voyant and Unwoman - Accompanied by string section and live visual projections!
Still sick with a miserable head cold, sneezing and spewing snot everywhere, and preparing to go out into the cold dark morning for the overlong Muni ride to my second day of office work. Calling in sick for my first week on a new job just doesn't seem like an acceptable option... [sigh]...
Sorry to hear it, love! Seems it's always when things most need to go RIGHT that problem after problem comes along and hits you hard...

Best wishes for awesomeness and emotional snuggle-fuzzies ASAP! (Read: get well soon!)
I'm starting a new day job today ('day job' is what we artists and musicians call them, ha): working as an office assistant at the US Census Bureau. Wish me luck...

Here's more info if you're looking for work: 2010 Census Jobs...
Good luck!
ew lol!
Today I got home from working at my temp job at the cat hotel (see previous blog entry) and the phone rang at 3:00 o'clock. It was the US Census Bureau calling, and they hired me over the phone to start working as an office clerk at 16.50 per hour starting on January 4. Great news! The job will only last for eight weeks or...
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That is awesome! Congrats. Do you know if there is still time to apply? I could really use something like that. smile
You are in Minnesota so I don't know what they are doing over there. In San Francisco I took the test and submitted my app way back last summer, did not get hired for the initial wave of hirings, then got called unexpectedly this week and they offered me work... so I don't know what the deal is, really...

Here is the LINK and check it out and good luck in 2010!
So I lucked out and got a two-week temp work assignment at the cat kennel where I used to work until I got laid off last January. This is easily the best place to board your cat(s) in San Francisco if you are ever in need of such. Getting paid to hang out in the company of cats all day - You can't beat that!...
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That sounds like a great place to work at, congrats!!