
I think i have almost killed it with the copious amoutn of pot i have smoked in the past month. I ws pretty heavily sedated and am coming out of this haze, only to notice that i have piles and piles of work to do, papers to read et cetera.

Oh.. peeve #1- when people say ECK CETERA. WTF?

and "YOU"S GUYS"
or "YOU...
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Well, it's not an official thing yet....but some guys from school and I have been playign together and it's fun. I originally just wnated to see hwo it goes but i think i'm going to see if they are into forming a band.

Winnipeg needs more swinging indie guitar with a ballsy rhythm section .

i love going on little musical trips. it seems every year for instance i will get back into jimi hendrix pretty much exclusively.

Anyway, i've come back to guided by voices. they are amazing.

Robert pollard also has a new solo record out on merge records.


If indie rock is your thing....check it out.

life is good although i think i got sick.

i licked Anniks' nose after walking home from school with her. i felt compelled and she thought it was nice.

regardless the evil winter flubug is creeping around and i think it is winning the battle against my immune system.

it blows because i was sick for about 2.5 months last term and i'd rather not...
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I am drawing no amusement from the fact that your first Winnipeg winter experience is taking place during the first NICE Winnipeg winter in years. How the heck am I supposed to taunt you about winter around here when it's so incredibly nice outside every single day? I SIMPLY CANNOT WORK LIKE THIS!

The colds which are currently making their rounds sure do suck hard this year. Work that immune system into shape - Vitamin C! Fluids! Exercise! If all else fails, stock up on Buckley's and just give in for a day or two. At least if you get sick and get rid of it over a weekend, you won't have another 2.5 months of being sick.

Did you see that it snowed?! I have to shovel. I'm not so pleased about that. But hey - snow is good for your fort! ... I assume quite a bit of it has melted by this point.

P.S. I have discovered pure insanity, IN A CAN! It's called "Rock Star" - one of those "energy drinks" you can find at good ol' Sev. Energy drink ^ 100 is more like it. It's utterly crazy stuff, makes me go squirrel-hyperesque. I'll have to demonstrate one day, you know, when we finally hang out. tongue
thanks for the work, soldier!
i hate doing laundry and homework when i could be out with Annik having a beer and falling kookamunga over her.

i will never be a physician if i don't work hard. i play, mind you, but not as often as people would like me to. i'm trying to become a doctor for them anyway...so i can buy all my friends nice presents....

on another...
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i just finished watching "the machinist". i thought it was an amazing film... i was playing detective during it and figured it out.

yay me!

seriously though, it is a great film and it was brilliantly done. it is mindbendingly creepy good.
I've been trying to rent it forever, but my video store only has 2 copies and they are always out! I'll have to keep trying.
bow down to the queen of noise
crayon eyes draw boys
blood pour some of patti's wine
blood is love inside
auw! melting wax on your arm
crayon teeth draws blood
blood soaking up all the light
soak me in your life
'cause you know
blood is gold
and you go
all the way
the way is home
home is gold
and you know
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hahaha that's a pretty awesome coincidence! i told a bunch of my friends. we all think it's pretty neat smile
I walked into a door today.

The door I walked into is NEVER closed, I swear. It even has a wedge thingie in place to keep it open! But not today, no, not today.

I grabbed a letter off of the counter, started to read it and proceeded to walk through, what I thought was, the open door. WHAMMO! Face to door collision.

Apparently someone had closed the door without making a peep and I wasn't thinking enough to look up before walking. I was like an idiot in a silent movie. Silent prior to the thud of me hitting the door that is.

You seem to enjoy hearing about my clumsy misfortunes, so I figured I'd share this one. tongue
I'm on a big Sonic youth kick. I simply love them.

Tomorrow is my last day off before school starts up again.

The unfortunate thing is that i have been the ultimate king of procrastination and have to do things like laundry and cleaning my room and things. i enoy my life much more when i am organised...but it just takes so much fuckign effort to get the volition goign after sitting around for a month....
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Blue in Green by miles davis is probably the greatest record ever made.

Blue in green , track 3, should be the soundtrack to my life.

Yeah. Blue in green. I just put it on.

Blue in green brings me the unimaginable.
sucking in all thosse romantic gestures
that waitied
ever so patiently.
dim lights
ghostlike flickers of your silhouette
on deep mahogany floors
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Funny ; good luck with finding tht retirement money.

I'm just insulted I'd have to stay in the basement. Why not the bedroom? Somewhere my box would be comfortable (you know climate wise.]
In theory, if I were to become known in this area as "the creepy cat lady", that title alone may be enough to deter some of the neighbourhood teenagers from staring at me at night.


You don't happen to of anyone willing to chit-chat with the community folk around here, in order to spread the word that I'm a really, REALLY, creepy and perhaps slightly insane, cat lady, do you?

I just can't see it being effective if I'm the one spreading the rumour. confused

[Edited on Jan 01, 2006 4:20PM]
Work is pretty easy. Basically I will be confirming the validity of stats for the government. I'm not sure how steady it is as far as hours are concerned but whatever...it will float me for a while.

I turned the TV on and some soap opera is on. Fuck is it ever lame and dumb and superficial. I don't understand the appeal. my god...the acting...
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I talk into mirrors all the time.
Hahahahah. That's why we appreciate you sweetheart....now put down the knife.

My new job starts today!!!!

Today and tomorrow are "training days" so i suspect I will be bombarded with a whack of information whereupon i will retain about 1% of it. hahahaha.

It snowed a bit last night. it has been above freezing here lately (which is unusual). regardless, any snow is welcomed as it can be added to our snow fortress.

i've been invited...
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