Fuck it. I don't care anymore. I officially give up trying to figure people out.
Blah blah blah... Life is still moving on... I'm still alive. Nothing new. No new friends. No new girlfriends. No new games. No new movies. New parts for the bike haven't arrived yet. Kid still at his mums for holiday. Um.... I cleaned out my car.... It was a bit messy.... I had prints for a new hospital taking up the whole trunk....Hmmm.... I wonder...
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12+ inches.... Damn i love winter!!! Long weekend coming up..... Think i just might venture out to Devil's Head and enjoy it. So nothing new has really been going on. I've started playing Fallout 3 again and think it is going to get time consuming. My computer is going to take a shit on me any day but im fine with that because then i...
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Well im finally off of overtime... And now fearing for my job... Weve laid off 11 out of 25 people at the shop... They say they have enough work for everyone that is there but i still worry...
Being single still sucks. I have no clue how to meet women. Holidays are coming up and my son is with his mom this christmas. So i...
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So its winter again!! It just happens to be my favorite season... Snow boarding, drifting around corners unintentionally, seeing my breath in the morning, that first cup of hot tea before work, Never seeing sunshine (i work 6 am to 5 pm) building snowforts to shoot nerf guns out of with my son, watching idiots that don't know how to drive in snow crash their...
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i give up...(again).... frown frown frown frown frown frown frown
Well... both jobs are starting to get busy... Job #1... Duwe... once again i am getting way overpaid for my vast knowledege of the steel industry. I am polishing handrails... normally a low paying job.. but they need the help and i have prior experience. There are 15 sheets of "crash rails" coming that we are making for the new Milwaukee Iron And Steel building....
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Good luck with your new hot girl.

That explains why you don't talk to me anymore.

I am soooooooo soooo so so so so tired from working 2 jobs. I work 6am to 430 pm the i come home shower and go work at my other job until 10pm,.... I dont have time for friends. Not that they have been calling lol. The weather has been nice so at least i get to rode the bike still. Anybody need a boyfriend....
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I feel your pain... I work a full time 3rd shift position and I think I'm going to need 2nd job soon robot I pretty much have no life, except for when I travel. Though sometimes I kinda like it like that - I'm naturally a bit of a loner whatever
u going to Iowa this weekend?
Mew... Mew mew meow.... miao!! miao!! miao!!
No I hate you.
tongue tongue tongue
Do I need an application of some sort to make my ringtones? I am so lost. frown
So yeah... my friend(s) have been busy lately so i haven't had much to do... Life is kinda boring... Being single sucks sometimes... hahaha only for the fact that i don't have someone to hang with when there is nothing to do.... I suppose i could go work out but i'm kinda lazy at the moment... fuck it im getting fat i better go... biggrin
I need to get away... Take the bike and just go... I think i'm gonna skip out of work tomorrow... Star Wars comes out tonight and i thnk i may just be up all night playing it... Anybody wanna join? You can have the first guy... HHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAA..... p.s. my sac is the most comfortable thing ever... so soft and velvety....LoveSac gamersac.... with speaker pillow..... suhweet.... love love
Well it all kinda went down hill... I don't even feel like she wants to be my friend anymore.... I knew it would happen sooner or later. It usually does. Boosh... frown
Liar. I still make you meet up with me at Starbucks while I'm all fancy in my medical scrubs. We'll always be friends. Don't make me fight you.. cuz I will. blackeyed