so cute!
i wanna see it so bad.
and dont worry one of my male friend said he bawled at the end :smile
work work work, thats pretty much all i did today. I spent all day working on Valentines day themed mickey and minnie pj sets and panties. which would have been fine if my boss let me know one key point on designing panties for disney... no verbiage on the panties. out of 12, 11 of mine had text somewhere on them. She loved them all...
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so last week, was an interesting one. I played spin the bottle for the first time, that was fun. I met some lovely people from the sgny group, i kissed a suicide girl & hopeful, and I found a bar that will serve me 32oz of bud light for $4. magical i know. i also met up with some friends during the week to drink...
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thank you and it was great meeting & kissing you too! and we should definitely hang out again, i'll even travel to manhattan. smile
Sounds like I need to play spin the bottle with you
I totally believe that there is a chance that I will have a brain aneurism while walking to and from Penn Station. I don't know what the deal is with that area but its like people take off their common sense hat and put on I'm dumber than 10,000 boxes of rocks hat. Crossing the street is the same every where, why is it that...
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i know the feeling, crowded streets make me sweaty and i feel like being a mean new yorker pushing through.
you look so pretty thorughout the whole week...
for me it likes

Tuesday whatever
Wednesday blackeyed
Hello World!

Not that much has happened this week. Just work with a few odd speed bumps in this road I call life. I've come to learn that men enjoying screaming things at me. I don't what it is I do them to cause this, but it increases more with time. Whether some dude decides to scream big sexy at me ( btw not a...
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I love Parks and Recreation, Ron Swanson is one of my favorites....
I love Ron, he is definitely the man.
Work today was awesome! My boss sent me a link for the first that I design that is being sold. Its a really simple design but I don't care this cool, I've never had thing that I've designed actually made and sold in a store. I did a little happy chair dance when I saw the shirt. I DID THIS!!!

And after that my other...
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Man. that is awesome to the max. (Did I just say to the max? Execute me now)
Soon people all over are gonna be wearing your genious biggrin
Who doesn't love a nerdy dude???? I know I do, and I love this website my friend just showed me. Enjoy!love
Nerdy Dudes
Glad I could help!
Hey, I'm a nerdy dude. biggrin
It's offical I saw the hottest gaysian ever. I shit you not as I saw him John mayer's your body is a wonderland started playing on my iPod. And let me tell you his body was a wonderland. I swear when he stood next to me it got 20 degrees warmer on the train, I felt like I was having hot flashes. Me and some...
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So I had one boss today tell me I did a great job on designing for her. Then a couple hours later I had another basically tell me I haven't been doing my job for the las couple of weeks. I then have to tell him I was working on another project and the other boss should have told me that. That's when he looks...
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It's amazing how you can take the fall for a lack of good management and communication when you have to answer to several people. My last job was like that. You're a warrior though! It will definitely lead you to bigger, better places. biggrin
well thanks I really hope so!
Is it wrong that the most exciting part of my work was writing hot pants on a mickey mouse sleep set that I'm working on? I ended up choosing oh boy! But I really liked hot pants better, but my boss was pretty sure that Disney wouldn't go for it. Beside that I'm changing designs left and right, it's a tad bit annoying but hopefully...
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