Disney acquired Marvel Comics for $4 billion. what the hell? I really cant see this being a good thing.
Payday finally. Dont have to stress about money as much. Although looking back its been worth it. Having to pay two rents and utilitys at once sucks but living in a place worth paying for is great. I love my new quite and secluded apt. For anyone who wants to see what its like pics form my window and front door. Nothing crazy, just nice.
Payday finally. Dont have to stress about money as much. Although looking around its been worth it. Having to pay two rents and utilitys at once sucks but living in a place worth paying for is great. I love my new quite and secluded apt.
-Bitching alert-

Damn banks for taking more money from you when you don't have any. I get that its not cool to overdraw, but i think is a little wrong to fine me twice for one overdraw. Once cause i fucked up then once more cause the bank took from my savings to pay my checking bill because i don't have enough there now. Well...
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it's a desktop OSX.
A girl asked me if i was single today at work. 1st time thats ever happened to me! Its nice to get hit on by someone i would hit on if i was single. Good to feel wanted by people. I know its shallow and I am very happy with my girl, just saying it feels good.
i know what you mean.. its just the feeling of knowing that people other then your significant other find you attractive
Just got done moving to a new apt. where my girlfriend and i can have some privacy. Thanks to a few friends we were able to move with out any problems. We moved behind a golf course its a woodsy quite place. i really like it so far.
Finally done with the overnights at my work. Went out to hounddogs to get pizza at 6am after work. Thank god for that place.
mmmmmm pizza.
So you know your roommate is a bit of a geek when you knock on the bathroom door and his response is. "Level 14 tetris going on, blocks falling too fast. busy."
Packing up to move is a sad time when you find out that your really do have alot of pointless shit that you dont need to keep. But when it comes down to it you still dont want to get rid of it. I am far from being a pack rat but i really cant just throw away a rubber chicken.
Im really looking foward to the 4th this year. Heading out to the girlfriends parents place and gona eat good food and relax with good people. Cant really ask for too much more.