Ahh, tis finally friday and peace is restored in the hearts of all those out there who worship the weekend.

I'm gonna keep it cheap and cheerful over the next couple of days, I gotta save my dosh for Ibiza in a week (yay!) A few brewskies in the local tonight and into chester tomorrow night, methinks.

The weekend is a time to play hard...
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you are so deep! where did you fing find that pic of the sailors? i live for vintage sailor art. i love it. i also live for dirty dingy dive bars with complete strangers and people that i consider my family but really know nothing about me. i am a big mystery! or maybe i only think that i am. well have fun tonight. i am going to sing my little heart out to some 80's karaoke and get sloshed with a bunch of fellow carpet munchers! the perfect night if you ask me! have fun my uk boyfriend! kiss

bless... thanks for the noob love! blush

ahhh the art project.... dear me.... its due in first thing tomorrow and i'm, ummm, sitting on sg & ebay.... i'll probably be here for the best part of the next 2 hours as well. hah im such a bum! tho posting my work on the web ain't such a bad idea to keep me motivated...
oh dear, im well jealous of your ibiza trip. filthy & diverse people - amen to that! biggrin
speaking of new acquaintences, some little old man randomly came up to me today and bowed like i was the queen. it was SO cool!
hehe all the best with your travels smile
what the hell is it that makes sundays so fucking boring! Went to a pretty cool party last night, feellng a little rough to day... well worth it though, drinking cognac till about five this morning, woke up with a dead dog in my mouth, awesome!
hangovers are boring.. which are usually on a sunday.

why does gin have to be so tasty?
Hi I'm shaun, and... (this is hard)... and I'm a vaginaholic. Whew, I feel better!

Oh, nice to meet you all ;D