You know you want one of these...
I sure as hell do.
Pro Wrestling Masks

Actually, no, I don't want a pro wrestling mask.....
Sadly, SG is the only place I ever get to see any of that beauteous female form. Aren't I too young to be a Enuch?

I'm torn in my vision of mature respectable love and the ocasional lustful urges that shake my very physicality.

I started playing Tetris at 2, and came out of my Tetris coma around 6. I swear to the gods, I...
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Everyone in SGKalamazoo is a bit of a social retard.....no worries there, eh...

Tetris is an evil, evil game
"I realize that it takes a lot of strength and discipline to be in some type of love, and to not act on your feelings until the time is better suited to expressing those feelings... "

HOLY SHIT! I'm not the only one who's been thinking this lately. Cart before the horse kinda stuff.

And as far as feeling lazy...get over it now, cause my motivations for doing this thing are far from altruistic.


When I say you're a peach
I don't mean sticky sugary sweet
dripping luscious juices on my tongue
as I bite
I mean you're too sweet
to be called sweet
that there is no word
for what you are
but that fuzzy fruit
luscious sweet
is as close
a word as I can find
as you catch me staring at
that lovely curve
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haha. hmmmm...I'm trying to be a good boy when it comes to women. The whole sexual dynamics of the superhero duo never occured to me...but you're right...who can resist a man in tights and a cape.

You're a bad influence.
Why can't you stay late? frown
Though I'd joke about ditching my extended family to hang out with cool tattooed people, I couldn't disappoint my four year old nephew who for some reason thinks I'm the coolest thing since cheese and crackers. EL SUICIDO LOCO

** Public Service Announcement**
Always have some sexy person with opposing genitalia apply the sunblock to your body. Doing it yourself leads to some nasty bad red patterns on...
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I don't man, cheese and crackers are pretty fucking rad.
Eh... he's not really my boy. He wants to stay friends for now and see where it takes us once we talk some more. We're still free to date other people.
Oh, don't get me wrong... I love the material and history we're covering in the art/architecture class. I find myself looking at houses and thinking, "That's a Queen Anne. That's a Colonial. That's Greek Revival." smile It's interesting material, and I love it, but he's soooooooo booooooring. Plus, it's at 3:00 PM, when I'm sleepy, and the lecture hall is dim with comfy chairs. Bam. Asleep.
You are the member of one of the most talkative and active regional groups....fucking check it once in awhile and find out what's going on!

I don't argue with pissed off Catholics anymore. I majored in Philosophy at Western, so I am trained in arguing and all, but it just isn't worth it to argue about God.....no one is ever convinced.
It's Thursday. It's 3:00. It's seventy-seven degrees. Do you know where your children are?



Should I say something purely for the sake of saying something? I have nothing meaningful to add. I'm crazy about a girl whos radar I'm not even on. I feel like I'm in junior high again. When she talks to me I start mumbling incoherently. When will I have the capacity...
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Somewhere off in the aether waiting to be born.....surreal

Since I am going to go off camping next week I am going to have to wait until the week after to go to the poetry slam....guess that means next time it's at Kraftbrau, eh.
At 3:00, I was suffering through HIST 315. I fall asleep every. single. day.
I guess I should've brought my shit to the bar last night. The judges were surprisingly kind, much more so than I would've been... I can hang with those guys. I'm starting to think my poems aren't so bad after all.

On that note...

My breath sounds like the wind
in Winter
and my hands cracked
with white
pale lines from fingertips
tell my life...
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Off to class. And then maybe Kraftbrau. May the force be with me. I ain't bringin' my poetry though, if the K-zoo Slam Team is there, I can't stand up with that... I haven't been out to a bar since beer started making me violently ill back in 2001. Now if only my stomach doesn't reject the bland fajitas I had for lunch...

I just...
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Wow...IBS...all I can think about is that scene in Along Came Polly where Ben Stiller is eating at a Moroccan restaurant trying to hide his IBS.
I'm not gonna be able to make it tonight.....work pretty much wiped me out.
I hate doing trimwork. I had three rooms worth of it to do down in my basement. You can actually measure it, measure it again, then cut it exactly, and still fuck it up completely. My little miter box saw is hot from all the use it got today. I also spent an hour at Lowe's trying to find some decent wood to make my...
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Bubba Ho-Tep was great....a little cheesy at times, but still well worth watching.

I'll probably be heading up to Kraftbrau after I get out of work tonight....see ya there?
puke Monica.
I hate doing trimwork. I had three rooms worth of it to do down in my basement. You can actually measure it, measure it again, then cut it exactly, and still fuck it up completely. My little miter box saw is hot from all the use it got today. I also spent an hour at Lowe's trying to find some decent wood to make my...
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Holy shit. That poem is HOT. I got all turned on.

Completely unrelated: If you want help with your house, call me! I love doing building/painting type stuff. Besides, we live in the same stupid town. We should hang out.
Today makes three days I've skipped the gym to let my ankle heal. It just doesn't seem right to limp around that place busting my back or biceps when my ankle is a swollen mess.

I've been sitting here most of the morning going over my old writing, having pulled all of my old notebooks out of storage. I didn't start writing really until I...
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Do you know if this Tuesday the poetry slam will be at Up and Under or Kraftbrau?
Your writing, or at least what I have recently read in other threads is pretty damn good.

All of our writing were (in my case, are) still clumsy and full of hate. Thats why most writers started writing, to get it out. Most people are rather hard on them selves. I believe your poem lie is pretty awesome though. I think to my self that all the time.. Pretty words for a pretty lie?
My ankle is better, I can actually walk on it now, almost hard to believe since Tuesday night I was writhing in pain on my bed with a bag of ice taped around my ankle and I had to take a handful of Advil just to fall asleep. I won't be running down the steps anytime soon...

8:37 PM
I got out of class early....
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I sprain my ankles all the time. I'm so used to it now. tongue
Who is Katherine?

I talked to my mom for awhile last night and the whole "at least he didn't get hurt or hurt anyone" was something I kept reminding her.

Cancer won't kill me!

I'm getting out of work around 9 or 9:30 next Tuesday....I'm thinking of heading to the poetry night at Kraftbrau....what time does it start? You planning on going?