I am sad today. It's one of those days, you know..when you question your life and your motives. I want to give up, but I can't. I refuse to be one of those people who couldn't cut it. I am weak. frown
you sound pretty strong to me.
hang in there sister.
I woke up today and didn't feel so bad about having to do stuff (i.e. work, school). I guess some days are just better than others. I had a test today in religion that I totally bombed because I didn't study for it. What the fuck is Taoism? I have no idea.
Anyway, I have a couple of essays due on Monday and I'm actually...
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Taoism isn't so much a religion as a way of life; it emphasizes communal living and simplicity, but also incorporates elements of traditional Chinese mysticism. The Tao (pronounced 'dow') means "the way."
Which of us has the degree?
Being extremely tired and having to stay up to study for tests and then go to work right after really sucks.
frown frown
It does. I did that for years but then I graduated, got a real job, and now make good money at a job I absolutely love. The hard works pays off in the end. Trust me.
Hey, guys what's going on over here?
Well, I got my new snake & I have to say, I have never been bitten so many times in one day before! love

p.s. some boys are fucking lame. mad
Which ones?
No, or I wouldn't have asked.
This weekend is going to be hell. I am driving two hours away to get one of my dream snakes (short tailed python love love ), it's costing me over $300, which includes the trip up there & food, etc. Hopefully it will be worth it and she'll be even more beautiful in person than she is in the pictures I've seen. I'm leaving at 5am, arriving...
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I got an A on my philosophy paper. The only one in the class to achieve an A. I am damn proud. Also, I got my snakes probed. I am stuck with two male ball pythons, a female boa, and a female blood python. I have decided to get a really cool morphed ball python to breed to the two males. Anyway, I am tired...
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Tomorrow I am driving to Pinellas County (40 minutes away) to rescue a 7 year old female ball python. She has only been fed a medium rat every few weeks, and lives in a small tank. I'm glad I can help this creature smile.. Either I take her, or she goes to a pet store to be mistreated and sold off to some asshole who...
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you are so rad for doing that. :0
smile i dont have room for snakes in my apt. but tomorrow i am getting some new poisen dart frogs cobalt tinctaurus they are so beautiful smile hehe im off now
It's funny how things happen. I was thinking today about holes in the ground and the things the live inside them. It's funny how things hide.