Today was the most horrible day. Family gatherings always end badly. I suppose me being honest with them about what I really think about them isn't exactly the best way to end the day. I feel bad, I ruined everyone's time, and now everyone hates me..but i think it had to be said. death. skull
what did you say?
I just got off of work, and I'm exhausted. I also just ordered the SG playing card things love
tomorrow = more work. frown
Yay for playing cards! Boo for work...
I uploaded some pictures, but they are very small. I will try to fix them later..but right now I'm extremely frustrated. mad
First college algebra class tomorrow. I hate math, so I am probably going to hate this class. Hopefully not, though. Tomorrow I am taking everything out of my room and cleaning the fuck out of it. Including all of my snake enclosures and the like. Saved another $200 for my Green Tree Pythons & got the money to order my blood python from www.proexotics.com. love love snakie...
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Knowing that you're lucky is the best. smile

Where do you go to school?
Today was great. My first day of college and everything went smoothly. I love my classes and teachers. Hopefully this feeling lasts.. love

I am extremely exhausted, though. Sleep now. skull skull
Turns out my classes are on MONDAY and WEDNESDAY. So, I missed my first day of classes. Oh fucking well. I refuse to stress about this. I finally decided where I'm getting my Green Tree Pythons from. Greg Maxwell: http://chondroweb.com/fineGTPs/
I just ordered his book, too..I can't wait to get it. I'm getting my black blood python from www.bobclark.com next month, too. *excited* love love
I start college this week. Tuesday. I'm really nervous. I haven't been to school in long time and my social anxiety got the best of me back then. Hopefully this will be an entirely different experience. I can only hope. whatever
Best of luck! What are you studying?
Religion, philosophy, and herpetology -- not bad! I teach kids about bugs, and we occasionally have a blue panther chameleon to demonstrate things that like to eat insects. What a cutie. smile
I woke up today and thought it was Saturday. Only just a few minutes ago when the new girl set went up did I realize that it was actually Friday. robot
I have stopped eating & finding a god to believe in is harder than it sounds.

My body is a temple for nothing.
Cool. That's good. I just read that and got a tad worried. smile
Thanks, and that's ok. I appreciate your thoughts. We're waiting on test results but so far she's hanging in there. smile
Today is snake feeding day. I'm going to try and upload some pictures later today. Of the snakes, and myself. We'll see. & today I redevoted myself to being vegan. biggrin
I was just about to buy this 8 foot carpet python today. Great deal, mediocre snake. He was shedding and didn't want to be bothered, but I demanded that I hold him anyway..I wanted to see what the snake was like before I bought him. Well, hehe..he was slithering around my neck and BAM! bit me right in the face. Do you know how much...
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