So i sent in my paper work and they recv'd it today. I am almost official and i cant wait to do my photo shoot. i have 25 more days before my photo shoot and the closer i get the more excited i get to do it. its going to be great. I hope one day i can get up to the shows and dance...
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Ok after a hard days work I have to say that its nice to just sit and watch an Old CKY video and drink a beer.
YEAH! ok i am going to meet up with Terry. A photographer that Bronson refered to me. I am getting excited i have an hour and a half before i meet him. I also just finished filling out my papers. I am going to be official here soon. i cant wait!
Good luck! Hope it goes well!
i got my wisdom teeth removed but they were all fucky in there that i had to have part of my jaw taken out to. puke
So who ever has gone to an SG event I would love to go. I would like to meet more SG's in the area so if any of you are going to anything local I would love to tag along. Just let me know.

So i am leaving today for a car show in Antioch. I hope i make it there. Its going to be so fun. BIlletproof here i come!
Billetproof, nice. smile
Thanks for the love girl!!!
YEAH! i get off early tomorrow to go to a car show in Antioch. Its goig to be a blast. The day is going to go by so slow. What plans does everyone have for this weekend?
Come to Las Vegas and see the fabulous car display at the Imperial Palace.
My first car was a 1953 MG TD convertible, a present day classic.
I got rid of it after losing a race with a buddy.
So i just have Shout a big Thank you to Bronson Suicide for finding a photographer for me. I will be meeting him this sunday and get to watch how he does his work. I cant wait because once that is set i will have my first shoot for my offical profile. YEAH !
Went to a swap meet hung over and hungary as hell this morning. Got some window cranks for my buick and hopefully i will be getting the last piece of chrome for it too. i cant wait. how is everyone doing this morning. i hope you are feeling better then i am.
Um.... well I was feeling fine yesterday... today I woke up at 4pm with a vicious flu blackeyed

I noticed Bad Taste in your faves! Thats a pretty fucked up movie,it ranks right up there with his others (Meet the Feebles made me piss my pants laughing) biggrin
Ok in Psychology class this morning we were doing this excerise where the whole class stands on one side of the class room. The teacher then drew a line down the center of the class. Then he sat down and asked some questions and if the question pertained to you or someone you know or are related to you had to go to the opposite...
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Can this week just be over! damn! its a short week but it seems like its going by too slow.