So, hello. I have failed you, SGLand. Yes, I have. Stop trying to make me reconcile with my demons. Anyhow, remember last month our so when I said I was lined up to be Sous-chef? Of course not! No one read my last post, so who cares?!

Sorry, that was selfish. Of course, someone had to have read it. Regardless, I failed to get that...
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Congratulations for your work :3

Hey, SG! Monthly post here. How's it going? Same? Different? Anyhow, enough about you. πŸ˜‰ I'm hoping to hear some really great news soon. Wanna know what it is? Ooooof course, you do! I'm lined up to become the Sous Chef at work! I know! In the past five years of me hanging around here, bitching about everything, something good actually comes around. Now, mind...
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Post on here. Lame, I know. Just a monthly (or so, don't you go hating me.) check-in, to let everyone know how things are. Pretty much the same. πŸ˜ƒ




Wht really doesn't make sense to me is that I can be in a room full of people, and still feel lonely. Now, mind you, I didn't say alone. I have been feeling pretty lone wolf lately, and ironically, it bothers me. I need a change of pace.


If I, or any of my team, have to deal with what happened tonight, I will snap on every single one of those said clients. Just because your wedding banquet didn't have a bar, doesn't mean that you can come into the restaurant, fill the bar up, and all act like stupid ass fools! I'm working the line, getting food pushed out the window, while...
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SG... Just me, chiming in after 6 or so months. I don't know what to say. Did we decide to have Old-School drop in unexpected? I've seen 5 or 6... Maybe 10... sets from ladies I remember within the span of when I joined to now, just in the last week. Holy s#!Β£. Unexpected, indeed. Keep it up.

Yup :D I love King <3
Damn right. That ginger knows how to bring it.