Well, !´m about to explode.

My life is a complete mess, my heart insists to choose the wrongest person in the world, my mind don't gives me truce and to complete all this shit my work is killing me.
As my psicological status is a dip shit, my fibromialgya is giving me the most severe pain along all those years. I can't even go to...
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I guess sometimes life is only about loss. Some people blame God, others blame the planets and stars. I rather not to blame and keep going seeing as a natural life evolution.
In the past three years I got suffocated by my mind, suffering from a severe depression. I put to test the love of the others, and I lost because I can't love another...
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Nossa, que palavras fortes... espero que fique tudo bem em breve :)
@felicia_ Independente da conclusão de tudo isso, vai ficar tudo bem sim. :)

For a long time I imagined how to participate more here, as I cannot think of SG as an social network (even it being). So from time to time I send some messages and friend requests.
At the same time I know about peoples life, I shared almost nothing about mine.
So this post is part of an start.
I'll try to be more...
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Olha, achei muito interessante! Eu j me imaginei tendo um relacionamento assim.
Deve ser como um relacionamento a dois, qualquer relacionamento vai ter altos e baixos.
Beijos aos trs kisskisskiss
Nossa, que trampo lindo!! kissmiao!!love
I'm planning to move to Canada.
Any advices?
Brazil to Canada... Yeah... Buy heavy clothing.

Thanks for noticing. I do not take photography too serious. I have a good time & have no shame in asking for advice & opinions. I'm just happy when I shoot something I am happy with.
Finally I'm moving out to a bigger and better house. I am really anxious about this and can barely sleep.
All the moving process are giving me headaches, but I know that in the end will worth every penny.

I'm updating and correcting my DeviantPrints, let's try some profit with my photos.

That's what I have for today. Hugs.
Felipe Duran