Spent the weekend putting together a new entertainment center and rearranging furniture. The house is starting to come together finally. I still want to pick up some bookcases really soon. Shelf space seems to be my biggest issue right now. I just have too much crap, but I don't want to part with it.
Most definately, I'm way too connected to my junk.
I know I need to rid myself of at least half of
it.. but I keep making up reasons to keep it.

You're sweet.
Thanks for the sweet words.

I won't lie and say that I don't need them.
I feel silly for being so pouty about this
all.. but oh well, it'll only be for today..

By tomorrow this will be the past..
and that's all good.

So it looks like i'm taking another dip into the rock n roll pool. My former guitarist and drummer asked if I'd be interested in singing with them again, so we're going to get together and see what kind of noise we can make.

They both want to do straight on punk rock. I kinda feel the punk thing is played out for me though....
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8 years of classical vocal training...

Sounds like you need to be in a 80's style metal/hair band... wink
good for you man, make your own genre of music biggrin
So I posted aset in the SB group. haven't got much feedback yet, then again they weren't the best pics. Just me fucking around with the timer on my camera. The next set will be more elaborate.

Feel free to take a look if anyone is interested.
So I'm back to any and all of those who have missed me.

I moved my mother out to New York. I bought her house for real cheap. My friend Jami moved in. Finances are all caught up.

It sucks when a loved one has medical problems. Even with insurance it put us in a financial bind. Everything is fine now though and I can...
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Welcome back! Added you to my friends list.
hi. you added me to your friends list, so i suppose i shall do the same.

i'm sure you're a good egg.