jaw still hurts, but i'll survive; i'm a superhero afterall. one sad note, though: didn't go to Warped Tour. having no one to go with, i opted to just stay home. *shrug* maybe i'm weird, but i prefer experiencing events like that with someone i care about. erg... i'm so soft...

thursday: work.
friday: wisdom teeth pulled.
saturday: Warped Tour 2007

that is all.

That was QUICK!
four weeks since last post, eh? interesting...

i'm in need of an adventure. any ideas or destinations?


that is all.

rock hard. live harder. o_O
maybe i should pay attention to how much time is passing between my visits...

here we go: if someone comments, i'll post the pictures of my trip to washington and actually post an update. otherwise i wont bother [basically because i don't want to have to deal with all the html]. take care folks.

[edit] this guy's commentary made me cry so hard i laughed......
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omg, Im laughing so hard. This is my favorite update ever... as I am a big Mario fan.
His commentary is fucking GOLD.
"AH YOU FUCK why do they do that?! WHO DESIGNED THIS LEVEL?! This is a nightmare. King Koopa never had designers of this quality.... Koopa you are a cocksucker...."

AHAHA "this is worse than a RL Stein book...."

"God is on my side, not your side, Bowser... LEAP OF FAITH LEAP OF FAITH!!"

Thats it. This has gotta go on my journal.

the finer points of my life to date...

- joined a bowling league with three mates of mine. we frighten the other players with our blatent flamboyant jokings. [i.e. spare = congradulatory humpings; strike = whole crew grind dancing] whatever

- i destroyed the tables over the weekend. it's been months since i've played texas hold 'em, but i started my rounds with $20 and ended...
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rock hard. live harder. o_O
Rock hard, live harder? I will wink
got trashed last night/this morn with a bunch of youngens i knew back in high school. first time in quite some time a became rather inebriated. i forgot how much the morn after sucked... puke

other than that, all is swell. how are all of you?

rock hard. live harder. o_O
It was three kinds of insanity whilst I was there. I did not get to meet enough people, thats for sure.

I come back every new moon. Im sure there will be time.
no testimonials. no comments. another day at suicidegirls.com

oh how sadfrown
heres one tongue
my girlfriend of five years had sex with whom i thought was one of my good friends three times.


3/4 Kahlua + 1/4 2% Milk = Choco Milky

there's probably some official name for it, but (a) being it was St. Patrick's Day (so alcohol experimentation is a must), and (b) this is the first time i've tried it, me and my bro sponge get to name it. yeayeah!

hope y'all had a rambunctious, but relatively safe holiday. smile
