I'm sitting around playing Clash of clans. Addicted to this game. What I'm waiting for is my acceptance letter for college to get here. Slow process.

Let's roll and get some food.


I deliver auto parts for a living. I started doing this about 1 year and 21 days ago. I haven't been really trying. I haven't been trying to do what is best for me. Well, last week I have decided to go back to school.

I'm tired of driving up to Canada to deliver parts. I have met a bunch of awesome people there, but...
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I happen to always be in charge of inviting people to functions. Guess I pick a good crowd. Always promise a good time. This night, we break in the Radisson! Yea, the Mutha Suckin Radisson.


1. Darn near nap time, so I say nap time!

2. Limit nap time, and then get ready to go to the Rad.

3. Go have a beverage or two and see how many pick me out to try to belittle.

4. Have a great night! Boom!


I am in the mood for a strong drink.

I'm always in the mood for one.
It is now the weekend for me. Time to remedy the situation.  I seem to be drink less as this moment.