Inside of 70 days left. Definitely beyond ready to go home. the baby is due in about 3 weeks so i definitely can't wait for that! Pretty excited to become a dad, no joke!

Well looks like last blog i was expecting riots, good to see that no one rioted, at least not yet! America is definitely in a volatile time.

The most exciting thing...
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I'm officially inside of 100 days left. Only problem is the wife is due in 55. Thankfully due to the invention of the interweb, 11 years occupying this place, skype, and cash money I SHOULD be able to at least be "there" with her. I tried everything short of going AWOL to make it home, so it'll have to serve. Luckily babies aren't that exciting...
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it's sad that you can't be physically there for her, but at least you will get to see her and she will see you.

Also, thank you for your comment in my set, I actually named it Fatum because of "One Winged Angel", Sephiroth's song x)
good luck man..
holy shit SG land! i almost forgot about you! Never fear, i always come back.

So tomorrow marks another birthday deployed. Gee i sure do love spending time in central asia. On the bright side...i still have my health. All this wonderful deployed time i get to work out a bunch and i have to walk 3 miles a day to work so its all...
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You can't forget us! wink there's always someone waiting here for you wink
ah yes....central asia is my favorite vacation destination. glad you holdin up dude.
Cool discovery of the day: We have the suicidegirls guide to living DVD on our share drive at work! not just any share drive either...the classified one. I know what i'm watching tomorrow night at work!
hey folks! i finally have internet that i can get on this site with! Everything else naturally had it blocked because it's "porn" or it was so slow it wouldnt load. Got on a private dish and voila!

Got "transferred" from my old job and FOB to a new one. Basically i work with the ANA at night and make sure they don't shit their...
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Great job on the "transfer"!
Congrats on the transfer and even better now that you can ride the information super hwy with no restrictions . Stay safe and keep us up dated . smile
well im in Bagram AFB. We just have to sit around and wait for a flight to get to our FOB here in the next few days. It may only be in the 80s here but it feels hot as hell in this clam--shell tent with no AC.

AFG is definitely different. we've already had a few rounds of incomming at night and we can...
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alright SG land, i'm leaving today to head to Afghanistan. I'll check in with you guys when i get situated in country.
good luck brother

Stay safe over there.
3 weeks out from leaving. Hard to believe its about time to head out again. At least deployments are only 9 months now. No leave, but doing 9 months straight wont be too hard. Just trying to enjoy easy access to beer and hot showers before i leave.

3 day weekend this weekend. Gives me some time to pack more shit up and get it...
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yeah. i hear ya brother.
funny my hubby is here and im still the only one doing the packing before he leaves
Just got back from a random surprise visit to Oregon/Washington. Had a bad experience with American Airlines for my wife which ended us up both flying on Frontier to Oregon saturday just for Easter. It was pretty nice getting to spend the holiday with some relatives for under $400! Plus frontier doesnt suck at life, so it was enjoyable to fly.

Now just another 4...
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have fun in the a'stan.
or the other a country.
UGH! I hate when things i pay for fail to meet expectations! Example: My internet connection, Hulu Plus, cell coverage...I pay damn good money to have these services and if they dont deliver what i'm paying for, i shouldnt have to pay for it!
i had cell service with sprint and my phone wouldn't work once i was in my home. i called and they told me that they don't guarantee service within a building.

talk about being fucking pissed. needless to say i got out of that contract. sucks to spend what little one has for it to be CRAP!